2021-10-22 14:35:07 +11:00

741 lines
29 KiB

import random
import tkinter as tk
import webbrowser
import base64
import urllib.request
from functools import partial
import platform
from pathlib import Path
import os
import sys
import time
from tkinter import *
x = 1400
cycle = 0
check = 1
nuggies_num = [33]
anticipating_nugs_num = [31]
about_to_boop_num = [32]
angery_boop_num = [34]
blushy_boop1_num = [35]
blushy_boop2_num = [36]
blushy_boop3_num = [37]
#basic events, cap 30
neutral_num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]
blankiemode_num = [10, 11]
glasspress_num = [12]
feathermess_num = [13, 14]
guitar_num = [15, 16, 17]
phone_num = [18, 19]
raymba_num = [20]
anticipating_nugs2_num = [38]
booper = 0
boop_count = 0
nugger = 0
boop_sign = 0
event_number = random.randrange(1, 3, 1)
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
# If the application is run as a bundle, the PyInstaller bootloader
# extends the sys module by a flag frozen=True and sets the app
# path into variable _MEIPASS'.
application_path = sys._MEIPASS
application_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
print('This is sysargv 0:', sys.argv[0][:sys.argv[0].rfind('/')])
path = sys.argv[0][:sys.argv[0].rfind('/')].replace("desktop_fang.ex","")[:len(sys.argv[0][:sys.argv[0].rfind('/')].replace("desktop_fang.ex",""))] + '/art_assets/fang/'
path = 'file:///' + path
impath = path
bwidth = str(100)
bheight = str(100)
lastClickX = 0
lastClickY = 0
def SaveLastClickPos(event):
global lastClickX, lastClickY
lastClickX = event.x
lastClickY = event.y
def Dragging(event):
x, y = event.x - lastClickX + window.winfo_x(), event.y - lastClickY + window.winfo_y()
window.geometry("+%s+%s" % (x , y))
# transfer random no. to event
def event(cycle, check, event_number, x, y):
global gifsize
if event_number in neutral_num:
check = 0
# print('idle')
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in angery_boop_num:
check = 11
window.after(50, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in blushy_boop1_num:
check = 1
window.after(50, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in blushy_boop2_num:
check = 12
window.after(50, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in blushy_boop3_num:
check = 13
window.after(50, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in glasspress_num:
check = 2
window.after(50, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in guitar_num:
check = 3
window.after(50, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in blankiemode_num:
check = 4
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in nuggies_num:
check = 5
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in phone_num:
check = 6
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in raymba_num:
check = 7
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
elif event_number in feathermess_num:
check = 8
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y) # no. 15 = sleep to idle
elif event_number in anticipating_nugs_num:
check = 9
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y) # no. 15 = sleep to idle
elif event_number in about_to_boop_num:
check = 10
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y) # no. 15 = sleep to idle
elif event_number in anticipating_nugs2_num:
check = 14
window.after(100, update, cycle, check, event_number, x, y) # no. 15 = sleep to idle
# making gif work
def gif_work(cycle, frames, event_number, first_num, last_num):
global boop_count
global booper
global nugger
global boop_sign
global NuggieExists
if cycle < len(frames) - 1:
if booper == 1:
print('boop incoming!')
cycle = len(frames)-1
cycle += 1
#prev animation ended
cycle = 0
old_event_number = event_number
event_number = random.randrange(first_num, last_num + 1, 1)
prolong = random.randrange(1, 10, 1)
#check for what to do
print("booper = ", booper, " booper_count = ", boop_count, " nugger = ", nugger)
if boop_sign == 1 and booper != 1:
event_number = 32
if boop_count < 10 and booper == 1 and nugger ==0:
#this is when you boop, but the boop count is too low for nuggies
boop_nums = [34, 35, 36, 37]
event_number = boop_nums[random.randint(0, len(boop_nums)-1)]
boop_count = boop_count + 1
booper = 0
elif boop_count == 10 and booper == 0 and nugger == 1 and NuggieExists == False:
#we're teasing her with nugges
print("nuggies primed")
event_number = 31
elif boop_count == 10 and booper == 0 and nugger == 1 and NuggieExists == True:
#we're teasing her with nugges
print("nuggies teased")
event_number = 38
elif boop_count == 10 and booper == 1 and nugger == 1:
#nuggies gib
print("nuggies given")
NuggieExists = False
event_number = 33
boop_count = 0
booper = 0
nugger = 0
if old_event_number in [10, 11] and event_number not in [10, 11]:
print('blankie cozy')
prolong = prolong + 1
if prolong > 3 and old_event_number not in [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38] and \
event_number not in [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38] and \
old_event_number not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]:
print('other activities prolong')
event_number = old_event_number
print('back to idle')
if event_number not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] and \
old_event_number not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] and \
old_event_number != event_number \
and event_number not in [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]:
event_number = 4
return cycle, event_number
def boop(event):
global boop_count
global booper
global nugger
if boop_count > 9:
booper = 1
nugger = 1
booper = 1
def update(cycle, check, event_number, x, y):
global bwidth
global bheight
global gifsize
if "_smol" in str(gifsize.get()):
if check == 0:
frame = neutral_smol[cycle]
# print('update-neutral')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, neutral_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 1:
frame = blushy_boop1_smol[cycle]
# print('update-boop_full')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop1_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 2:
frame = glasspress_smol[cycle]
# print('update-glasspress')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, glasspress_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 3:
frame = guitar_smol[cycle]
# print('update-guitar')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, guitar_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 4:
frame = blankiemode_smol[cycle]
# print('update-blankiemode')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blankiemode_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 5:
frame = nuggies_smol[cycle]
# print('update-nuggies')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, nuggies_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 6:
frame = phone_smol[cycle]
# print('update-phone')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, phone_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 7:
frame = raymba_smol[cycle]
# print('update-raymba')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, raymba_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 8:
frame = feathermess_smol[cycle]
# print('update-feathermess')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, feathermess_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 9:
frame = anticipating_nugs_smol[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_nugs_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 10:
frame = anticipating_boops_smol[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_boops_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 11:
frame = angery_boop_smol[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, angery_boop_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 12:
frame = blushy_boop2_smol[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop2_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 13:
frame = blushy_boop3_smol[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop3_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 14:
frame = anticipating_nugs2_smol[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_nugs2_smol, event_number, 1, 30)
elif len(str(gifsize.get())) < 2:
if check == 0:
frame = neutral[cycle]
# print('update-neutral')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, neutral, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 1:
frame = blushy_boop1[cycle]
# print('update-boop_full')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop1, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 2:
frame = glasspress[cycle]
# print('update-glasspress')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, glasspress, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 3:
frame = guitar[cycle]
# print('update-guitar')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, guitar, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 4:
frame = blankiemode[cycle]
# print('update-blankiemode')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blankiemode, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 5:
frame = nuggies[cycle]
# print('update-nuggies')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, nuggies, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 6:
frame = phone[cycle]
# print('update-phone')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, phone, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 7:
frame = raymba[cycle]
# print('update-raymba')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, raymba, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 8:
frame = feathermess[cycle]
# print('update-feathermess')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, feathermess, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 9:
frame = anticipating_nugs[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_nugs, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 10:
frame = anticipating_boops[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_boops, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 11:
frame = angery_boop[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, angery_boop, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 12:
frame = blushy_boop2[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop2, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 13:
frame = blushy_boop3[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop3, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 14:
frame = anticipating_nugs2[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_nugs2, event_number, 1, 30)
if check == 0:
frame = neutral_large[cycle]
# print('update-neutral')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, neutral_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 1:
frame = blushy_boop1_large[cycle]
# print('update-boop_full')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop1_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 2:
frame = glasspress_large[cycle]
# print('update-glasspress')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, glasspress_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 3:
frame = guitar_large[cycle]
# print('update-guitar')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, guitar_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 4:
frame = blankiemode_large[cycle]
# print('update-blankiemode')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blankiemode_large, event_number, 1, 30)
# x -= 3
elif check == 5:
frame = nuggies_large[cycle]
# print('update-nuggies')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, nuggies_large, event_number, 1, 30)
# x -= -3
elif check == 6:
frame = phone_large[cycle]
# print('update-phone')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, phone_large, event_number, 1, 30)
# x -= -3
elif check == 7:
frame = raymba_large[cycle]
# print('update-raymba')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, raymba_large, event_number, 1, 30)
# x -= -3
elif check == 8:
frame = feathermess_large[cycle]
# print('update-feathermess')
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, feathermess_large, event_number, 1, 30)
# x -= -3
elif check == 9:
frame = anticipating_nugs_large[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_nugs_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 10:
frame = anticipating_boops_large[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_boops_large, event_number, 1, 30)
# x -= -4
elif check == 11:
frame = angery_boop_large[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, angery_boop_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 12:
frame = blushy_boop2_large[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop2_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 13:
frame = blushy_boop3_large[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, blushy_boop3_large, event_number, 1, 30)
elif check == 14:
frame = anticipating_nugs2_large[cycle]
cycle, event_number = gif_work(cycle, anticipating_nugs2_large, event_number, 1, 30)
bwidth = str(frame.width())
bheight = str(frame.height())
window.geometry(bwidth + 'x' + bheight + '+' + str(window.winfo_x() + x) + '+' + str(window.winfo_y()))
x= 0
window.after(100, event, cycle, check, event_number, x, y)
def gib_Sauce(event):
# print('No sauce yet.')
strURL = ""
# Open url in default browser, new=2)
def exiter(event):
def do_popup(window, event):
tk.Toplevel(event.x, event.y)
def up_scale(event):
possible_sizes = ["_smol", "", "_large"]
global gifsize
# gs = str(gifsize.get())
gs = str(gifsize.get())
print('upscale: ', gifsize)
if "_smol" in gs:
# gifsize = ""
elif len(gs) == 0:
# gifsize = "_large"
# gifsize = "_large"
print('This is the gifsize per up_scale activation:', gifsize)
def down_scale(event):
possible_sizes = ["_smol", "", "_large"]
global gifsize
# gs = str(gifsize.get())
gs = str(gifsize.get())
print('downscale: ', gifsize)
if "_smol" in gs:
elif len(gs) == 0:
print('This is the gifsize per down_scale activation:', gifsize)
def get_gif(gloc, sizing):
URL = gloc
link = urllib.request.urlopen(URL)
raw_data =
next = base64.encodebytes(raw_data)
return next
def scaler(image, sizzer):
print("We're in scaler and this is gifsize: ", sizzer)
# print(image)
if '_smol' in image:
image = sizzer.subsample(2, 2)
elif len(image) < 2:
print('medium size is default')
image = sizzer
image = sizzer.subsample(3, 3)
return image
def tard_scale(event):
global gifsize
# gs = str(gifsize.get())
gs = str(gifsize.get())
print('win scale: ', gifsize)
if "_smol" in gs:
elif len(gs) == 0:
print('This is the gifsize per win scale activation:', str(gifsize.get()))
def nughover(event):
global nugger
global boop_count
global boop_sign
global window
global NuggieExists
if boop_count == 10:
boop_sign = 0
print("Tease with nuggie.")
nugger = 1
##nugg stuff
NuggieExists = True
boop_sign = 1
nugger = 0
print("not yet nuggie-time")
def nonug(event):
global boop_sign
global nugger
global NuggieExists
boop_sign = 0
nugger = 0
NuggieExists = False
print("remove the nuggie")
NuggieExists = False
window = tk.Tk()
gifsize = tk.StringVar()
print('this is gifsize: ', str(gifsize.get()))
#scaler alias for map
sizzer = ""
mapfunc_scaler = partial(scaler, sizzer)
#get gifs
#medium set
blankiemode_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_blankiemode.gif', gifsize)
boop_full_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_boop_full.gif', gifsize)
glasspress_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_glasspress.gif', gifsize)
guitar_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_guitar.gif', gifsize)
neutral_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_neutral.gif', gifsize)
nuggies_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_nuggies.gif', gifsize)
phone_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_phone.gif', gifsize)
raymba_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_raymba.gif', gifsize)
feathermess_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fang_feathermess.gif', gifsize)
anticipating_nugs_gif = get_gif(impath + 'anticipating_nug.gif', gifsize)
anticipating_boop_gif = get_gif(impath + 'fangbout2boop.gif', gifsize)
angery_boop_gif = get_gif(impath + 'angery_boop.gif', gifsize)
blushy_boop1_gif = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop1.gif', gifsize)
blushy_boop2_gif = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop2.gif', gifsize)
blushy_boop3_gif = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop3.gif', gifsize)
anticipating_nugs2_gif = get_gif(impath + 'anticipating_nug2.gif', gifsize)
blankiemode = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blankiemode_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(18)]))
boop_full = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=boop_full_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
glasspress = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=glasspress_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(15)]))
guitar = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=guitar_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(16)]))
neutral = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=neutral_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(16)]))
nuggies = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=nuggies_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(15)]))
phone = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=phone_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
raymba = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=raymba_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
feathermess = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=feathermess_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
anticipating_nugs = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_nugs_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(1)]))
anticipating_boops = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_boop_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(1)]))
angery_boop = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=angery_boop_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop1 = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop1_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop2 = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop2_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop3 = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop3_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
anticipating_nugs2 = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_nugs2_gif, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
#smol set
sizzer = "_smol"
mapfunc_scaler = partial(scaler, sizzer)
blankiemode_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_blankiemode.gif', '_smol')
boop_full_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_boop_full.gif', '_smol')
glasspress_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_glasspress.gif', '_smol')
guitar_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_guitar.gif', '_smol')
neutral_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_neutral.gif', '_smol')
nuggies_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_nuggies.gif', '_smol')
phone_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_phone.gif', '_smol')
raymba_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_raymba.gif', '_smol')
feathermess_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fang_feathermess.gif', '_smol')
anticipating_nugs_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'anticipating_nug.gif', '_smol')
anticipating_boop_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'fangbout2boop.gif', '_smol')
angery_boop_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'angery_boop.gif', '_smol')
blushy_boop1_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop1.gif', '_smol')
blushy_boop2_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop2.gif', '_smol')
blushy_boop3_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop3.gif', '_smol')
anticipating_nugs2_gif_smol = get_gif(impath + 'anticipating_nug2.gif', '_smol')
blankiemode_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blankiemode_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(18)]))
boop_full_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=boop_full_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
glasspress_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=glasspress_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(15)]))
guitar_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=guitar_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(16)]))
neutral_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=neutral_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(16)]))
nuggies_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=nuggies_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(15)]))
phone_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=phone_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
raymba_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=raymba_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
feathermess_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=feathermess_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
anticipating_nugs_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_nugs_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(1)]))
anticipating_boops_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_boop_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(1)]))
angery_boop_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=angery_boop_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop1_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop1_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop2_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop2_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop3_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop3_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
anticipating_nugs2_smol = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_nugs2_gif_smol, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
#"large" set
sizzer = "_large"
mapfunc_scaler = partial(scaler, sizzer)
blankiemode_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_blankiemode.gif', '_large')
boop_full_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_boop_full.gif', '_large')
glasspress_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_glasspress.gif', '_large')
guitar_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_guitar.gif', '_large')
neutral_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_neutral.gif', '_large')
nuggies_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_nuggies.gif', '_large')
phone_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_phone.gif', '_large')
raymba_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_raymba.gif', '_large')
feathermess_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fang_feathermess.gif', '_large')
anticipating_nugs_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'anticipating_nug.gif', '_large')
anticipating_boop_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'fangbout2boop.gif', '_large')
angery_boop_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'angery_boop.gif', '_large')
blushy_boop1_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop1.gif', '_large')
blushy_boop2_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop2.gif', '_large')
blushy_boop3_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'blushy_boop3.gif', '_large')
anticipating_nugs2_gif_large = get_gif(impath + 'anticipating_nug2.gif', '_large')
blankiemode_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blankiemode_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(18)]))
boop_full_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=boop_full_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
glasspress_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=glasspress_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(15)]))
guitar_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=guitar_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(16)]))
neutral_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=neutral_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(16)]))
nuggies_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=nuggies_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(15)]))
phone_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=phone_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
raymba_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=raymba_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
feathermess_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=feathermess_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(8)]))
anticipating_nugs_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_nugs_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(1)]))
anticipating_boops_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_boop_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(1)]))
angery_boop_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=angery_boop_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop1_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop1_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop2_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop2_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
blushy_boop3_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=blushy_boop3_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
anticipating_nugs2_large = list(map(mapfunc_scaler, [tk.PhotoImage(data=anticipating_nugs2_gif_large, format='gif -index %i' % (i)) for i in range(4)]))
# window configuration
# window.geometry('200x200')
label = tk.Label(window, bd=0, bg='#FF00FF')
window.wm_attributes('-transparentcolor', '#FF00FF')
window.wm_attributes('-topmost', True)
window.bind("<Button-1>", SaveLastClickPos)
window.bind("<B1-Motion>", Dragging)
window.bind("<Button-2>", exiter)
window.bind("<Control-Button-3>", gib_Sauce)
window.bind("<Double-Button-3>", boop)
window.bind("<Enter>", nughover)
window.bind("<Leave>", nonug)
if 'Windows' in platform.system():
window.bind("<MouseWheel>", tard_scale)
elif 'Linux' in platform.system():
window.bind("<Button-4>", down_scale)
window.bind("<Button-5>", up_scale)
window.bind("<MouseWheel>", tard_scale)
window.after(1, update, cycle, check, event_number, window.winfo_x(), window.winfo_y())