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933 lines
34 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-10-24 02:07
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:8
translate es chapter_10_a79e8242:
# A "Hang on, lemme get my key{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Espera, déjame buscar mi llave{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:10
translate es chapter_10_842c4ca9:
# "I awkwardly fish around for it in my pocket, hand weighed down by some cheap first aid stuff from the nearby liquor store."
"Busco torpemente en mi bolsillo, con la mano llena de material barato de primeros auxilios de la tienda de licores más cercana."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:13
translate es chapter_10_d8901b47:
# A "{cps=*.4}This stuff wasn’t nece-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.4}Estas cosas no eran nece-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:15
translate es chapter_10_5e1375a0:
# F "Shut up."
F "Cállate."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:17
translate es chapter_10_9064cbc7:
# F "Open the door."
F "Abre la puerta."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:20
translate es chapter_10_f6e85d6b:
# "I finally managed to find my key wedged between my leg and wallet."
"Finalmente logré encontrar mi llave entre mi pierna y mi billetera."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:22
translate es chapter_10_ae147666:
# "Fang takes the key from me and opens the door before I can think to throw it out the broken window nearby."
"Fang me quita la llave y abre la puerta antes de que se me ocurra tirarla por la ventana rota que hay cerca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:25
translate es chapter_10_f9b497a5:
# "Welp. No turning back now."
"Bien. Ya no hay vuelta atrás."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:27
translate es chapter_10_b08d0124:
# A "Welcome to Casa Del Shithole, occupancy a miserable weeb."
A "Bienvenido a Casa de la Mierda, ocupado por un miserable weeb."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:37
translate es chapter_10_03c03db3:
# "Raptor Jesus threw me a bone at least."
"Jesús Raptor me lanzó un hueso al menos"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:39
translate es chapter_10_4ba4443d:
# "There’s no dirty dishes stacked in the sink."
"No hay platos sucios apilados en el fregadero."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:41
translate es chapter_10_10e7a2ad:
# "The trash is mostly empty save for a discarded box of cereal."
"La basura está casi vacía, salvo por una caja de cereales desechada."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:43
translate es chapter_10_77ba344c:
# "And my monitor is NOT displaying something Saturnia related."
"Y mi monitor NO muestra algo relacionado con Saturnia."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:46
translate es chapter_10_ea26e59f:
# "The entrance isn’t big enough for both Fang and I, so I leave her supporting shoulder and limp my way to the twin-sized mattress on the floor."
"La entrada no es lo suficientemente grande para Fang y para mí, así que dejo su hombro de apoyo y me dirijo cojeando hacia el colchón doble en el suelo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:58
translate es chapter_10_6de77e3d:
# "It’s so tempting to just drop face-first like usual, but I don’t think I’d survive the shock of the fall."
"Es tan tentador caer de cara como siempre, pero no creo que sobreviva al impacto de la caída."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:70
translate es chapter_10_74a2d3ca:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nice place{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Bonita casa{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:73
translate es chapter_10_ed69034f:
# A "You don’t have to stay. I just wanna curl up in bed and sleep my sorrows away."
A "No tienes que quedarte. Sólo quiero acurrucarme en la cama y dormir mis penas."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:76
translate es chapter_10_32f872d9:
# F "Anon it’s ten in the morning."
F "Anon son las diez de la mañana."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:79
translate es chapter_10_7eb2e797:
# A "And?"
A "¿Y?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:82
translate es chapter_10_93957748:
# F "And you’re fucking hurt. At least let me try and patch you up."
F "Y estás jodidamente herido. Al menos déjame intentar curarte."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:84
translate es chapter_10_cc65cf93:
# A "You do-"
A "No tie-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:89
translate es chapter_10_fdd4769a:
# "Fang’s glare makes my mouth click shut."
"La mirada de Fang hace que mi boca se cierre."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:93
translate es chapter_10_3a8e3792:
# "Fang sets the bag of ice packs, icy hots, and sabre balm on my computer desk when something catches her eye."
"Fang pone la bolsa que contiene bolsas de hielo, cubitos de hielo y bálsamo de sable sobre la mesa de mi ordenador cuando algo le llama la atención."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:98
translate es chapter_10_c92ef587:
# F "Is{cps=*.1}...{/cps} is that the phone roomba you bought a while back? You actually kept that thing?"
F "Es{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ¿es el teléfono roomba que compraste hace un tiempo? ¿Realmente te quedaste con esa cosa?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:100
translate es chapter_10_4825cab4:
# "Fang is standing over the shoebox I’ve been using to hold my ‘pet’."
"Fang está de pie sobre la caja de zapatos que he estado usando para mantener a mi 'mascota'."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:102
translate es chapter_10_d3c81c70:
# "I’ve put in a few wooden blocks for it to bump around."
"He puesto unos cuantos bloques de madera para que se mueva."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:105
translate es chapter_10_d95db720:
# A "Uhh, yeah. Can you go ahead and feed him for me?"
A "Uhh, sí. ¿Puedes ir y darle de comer por mí?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:108
translate es chapter_10_8b83a62a:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}With this box of cornflakes?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Con esta caja de cereales?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:110
translate es chapter_10_dd4601da:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} two or three will do."
A "Sí{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dos o tres serán suficientes."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:112
translate es chapter_10_dec8be9f:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And you taped your railgun to the top of it."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Y pegaste tu railgun en la parte superior."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:114
translate es chapter_10_9aead4e7:
# A "If you look close I gave him angry eyebrows too."
A "Si te fijas bien, también le he puesto cejas enfadadas."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:117
translate es chapter_10_3a5d43bf:
# F "Why?"
F "¿Por qué?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:120
translate es chapter_10_94385b44:
# A "Mom never let me have a pet. And he’s cute."
A "Mamá nunca me dejó tener una mascota. Y él es lindo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:125
translate es chapter_10_f2462593:
# F "He?"
F "¿Él?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:127
translate es chapter_10_5156be09:
# A "Don’t make fun of Metal Gear RAYmba or else he’ll shoot you."
A "No te burles de Metal Gear RAYmba o te disparará."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:129
translate es chapter_10_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:131
translate es chapter_10_456377f4:
# A "He’s armed with tiny angry marine munitions."
A "Está armado con pequeñas municiones marinas furiosas."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:133
translate es chapter_10_a0e5a09b_1:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:136
translate es chapter_10_6d549d5f:
# "Fang crumples up some of the flakes and pours the crumbs into RAY’s box."
"Fang arruga algunos de los trozos y vierte las migas en la caja de RAY."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:138
translate es chapter_10_482fc460:
# "I can hear it happily ingesting breakfast from my bed."
"Puedo oírlo ingerir felizmente el desayuno desde mi cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:141
translate es chapter_10_ccbb2e03:
# F "You are such a dweeb, Anon."
F "Eres un bobo, Anon."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:143
translate es chapter_10_154df1db:
# "There’s no heat in her words."
"No hay calor en sus palabras."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:151
translate es chapter_10_bbce8020:
# "Fang turns to me, the small tub of disgusting green stuff in hand."
"Fang se vuelve hacia mí, con la pequeña bañera de asqueroso material verde en la mano."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:153
translate es chapter_10_4e6204d2:
# F "Alright, let me see where you’re hurt Anon."
F "Muy bien, déjame ver dónde te duele Anon."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:156
translate es chapter_10_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:158
translate es chapter_10_f6821ea9:
# "{cps=*.4}No way in fuck.{/cps}"
"{cps=*.4}Ni hablar.{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:161
translate es chapter_10_e02bc756:
# F "Now."
F "Ahora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:164
translate es chapter_10_1a34901a:
# "Shit. When did Fang learn the patented Mom Glare."
"Mierda. ¿Cuándo aprendió Fang la mirada patentada de mamá?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:167
translate es chapter_10_8a3c4248:
# F "Take off your shirt."
F "Quítate la camisa."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:169
translate es chapter_10_0953ffde:
# A "{cps=*.4}Wait wha-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.4}Espera que-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:172
translate es chapter_10_0a847b8e:
# F "Take it off or I’ll cut it off with your knife."
F "Quítatela o te lo cortaré con tu cuchillo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:175
translate es chapter_10_5c733eef:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fine{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Bien{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:185
translate es chapter_10_e5517e2d:
# "I step into my tiny shower stall and turn on the water."
"Entro en mi pequeña ducha y abro el grifo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:187
translate es chapter_10_23de8aab:
# "The shower head sputters before it starts weakly spraying lukewarm water."
"El cabezal de la ducha chorrea antes de empezar a rociar débilmente agua tibia."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:196
translate es chapter_10_18995d38:
# "The temperature of the water doesn’t help the tension in my muscles or the bruises marring my skin."
"La temperatura del agua no ayuda a la tensión de mis músculos ni a los moratones que marcan mi piel."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:205
translate es chapter_10_9f271066:
# "I stretch around and see massive blotches of purple and black splattered across my torso."
"Me estiro y veo enormes manchas de color púrpura y negro salpicadas en mi torso."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:216
translate es chapter_10_d5b5e330:
# "Each contusion is hot to the touch under my fingers and the pain is intense."
"Cada contusión está caliente al tacto bajo mis dedos y el dolor es intenso."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:224
translate es chapter_10_ce2b637f:
# "The worst is across my chest where the bollard hit me."
"Lo peor es en el pecho, donde el bolardo me golpeó."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:234
translate es chapter_10_e2c40459:
# "I eventually get finished examining my wicked wounds and step out of the bathroom."
"Finalmente termino de examinar mis malvadas heridas y salgo del baño."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:236
translate es chapter_10_faa9c902:
# "Fang is on her phone doing Raptor Jesus knows what."
"Fang está en su teléfono haciendo Jesús Raptor sabe qué."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:246
translate es chapter_10_b3f9abbf:
# "Fang then pats the bed."
"Fang entonces palmea la cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:249
translate es chapter_10_ff8faea9:
# F "Come here."
F "Ven aquí."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:252
translate es chapter_10_9b4270dd:
# "I walk over and lie down on my stomach."
"Me acerco y me tumbo boca abajo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:265
translate es chapter_10_cac3da1d:
# F "Jesus that's bad{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Jesús, esto es malo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:268
translate es chapter_10_ee3dd4d0:
# "I then felt a cold cream and soft touch on my back, along with a massive jolt of pain."
"Entonces sentí una crema fría y un tacto suave en la espalda, junto con una enorme sacudida de dolor."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:270
translate es chapter_10_d1dcfe11:
# A "FUCK!"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:272
translate es chapter_10_5c5b62f7:
# F "Shit, sorry! Are you okay?"
F "¡Mierda, lo siento! ¿Estás bien?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:275
translate es chapter_10_ec046ea5:
# A "Yeah, just didn’t expect it to hurt that bad{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Sí, sólo que no esperaba que doliera tanto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:278
translate es chapter_10_662615a2:
# F "Just try to relax."
F "Sólo intenta relajarte."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:280
translate es chapter_10_0b3075ba:
# "I sigh and try my hardest not to freak out when she touches me."
"Suspiro y me esfuerzo por no asustarme cuando me toca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:282
translate es chapter_10_a737de1e:
# "She eventually finds a sweet spot of pressure to apply. It still hurts a little, but it doesn’t cause me to wince."
"Al final encuentra un punto dulce de presión para aplicar. Todavía duele un poco, pero no me hace estremecer."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:287
translate es chapter_10_29a1975f:
# "Her hands are soft."
"Sus manos son suaves."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:289
translate es chapter_10_4c9e5462:
# "I find myself relaxing under Fang’s ministrations."
"Me encuentro relajado bajo las caricias de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:292
translate es chapter_10_61a7c440:
# F "Starting to feel better now?"
F "¿Empiezas a sentirte mejor ahora?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:294
translate es chapter_10_8ce61eb8:
# "I nod."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:296
translate es chapter_10_e0040715:
# "My eyes feel heavy as the ointment begins to warm up, drawing away tension from my aching muscles."
"Mis ojos se sienten pesados cuando el ungüento comienza a calentarse, eliminando la tensión de mis músculos doloridos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:298
translate es chapter_10_fcdf3bf8:
# "I can make out a steady thumping on my bed."
"Puedo distinguir un golpeteo constante en mi cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:300
translate es chapter_10_8685912d:
# "My senses fade more until all I’m aware of is Fang’s fingers tracing circles over my sore back and the sound of thumping."
"Mis sentidos se desvanecen más hasta que lo único que percibo son los dedos de Fang trazando círculos sobre mi dolorida espalda y el sonido de los golpes."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:303
translate es chapter_10_e6e25318:
# "I wonder what that is."
"Me pregunto qué es eso."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:306
translate es chapter_10_22068f55:
# "Fang’s hands slow to a stop and eventually pull away, leaving me disappointed."
"Las manos de Fang se detienen lentamente y finalmente se alejan, dejándome decepcionado."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:309
translate es chapter_10_98e72942:
# "The bed shifts."
"La cama se mueve."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:312
translate es chapter_10_8b5dcbe5:
# F "Anon."
F "Anon."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:314
translate es chapter_10_d68a1ee9:
# "There’s something in her voice, but I can’t discern it."
"Hay algo en su voz, pero no puedo distinguirlo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:317
translate es chapter_10_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "¿Hm?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:320
translate es chapter_10_748ac476:
# F "I need to do the front."
F "Necesito hacerlo de frente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:323
translate es chapter_10_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:331
translate es chapter_10_3f152cff:
# "Okay then."
"Bien entonces."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:334
translate es chapter_10_e151a9cd:
# "I roll over onto my back."
"Me doy la vuelta sobre mi espalda."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:342
translate es chapter_10_df01031c:
# "And find myself face to beak with her."
"Y me encuentro cara a cara con ella."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:345
translate es chapter_10_37fefd03:
# "Dangerously close."
"Peligrosamente cerca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:348
translate es chapter_10_33cecfbb:
# "I can feel her breath on my lips and I blush."
"Siento su aliento en mis labios y me sonrojo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:350
translate es chapter_10_a3302084:
# "It never even occurred to me that I could apply the ointment on myself."
"Ni siquiera se me ocurrió que pudiera aplicarme la crema a mí mismo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:353
translate es chapter_10_c36232f1:
# "I want to look aside."
"Quiero mirar a un lado."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:355
translate es chapter_10_cff8054f:
# "Turn my face away to hide the growing blush."
"Aparto la cara para ocultar el creciente sonrojo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:358
translate es chapter_10_083beb34:
# "But I can’t."
"Pero no puedo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:360
translate es chapter_10_4ab4a5c6:
# "I’m entranced looking into Fang’s warm amber eyes."
"Estoy en trance mirando los cálidos ojos ámbar de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:363
translate es chapter_10_338ad754:
# "Millions of words flash through my head as I try to find something to say."
"Millones de palabras pasan por mi cabeza mientras intento encontrar algo que decir."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:365
translate es chapter_10_3757c5be:
# "Fang is looking right back."
"Fang está mirando hacia atrás."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:367
translate es chapter_10_e12ecde1:
# "Eyes that seemed to glow with what little sunlight filling the room stared into mine."
"Unos ojos que parecían brillar con la poca luz solar que llenaba la habitación se clavaron en los míos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:370
translate es chapter_10_7917e98b:
# "I wonder{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Me pregunto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:372
translate es chapter_10_c74a04ac:
# "I hope{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Espero que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:378
translate es chapter_10_8f52dce0:
# "Do you like me, Fang?"
"¿Te gusto, Fang?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:381
translate es chapter_10_17131f5b:
# F "A-Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "A-Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:384
translate es chapter_10_41fe9e4e:
# "I’m pulled out of my thoughts by her voice."
"Me saca de mis pensamientos su voz."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:387
translate es chapter_10_753751a3:
# "Fang’s blushing heavily too, now."
"Fang también se sonroja mucho ahora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:389
translate es chapter_10_85377e2b:
# "And her tail is positively hammering away at my bed."
"Y su cola está martillando positivamente en mi cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:392
translate es chapter_10_71846403:
# "Wait."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:395
translate es chapter_10_f929fa51:
# "{cps=*.3}Oh fuck.{/cps}"
"{cps=*.3}Oh, mierda.{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:397
translate es chapter_10_c035d474:
# "Did I?"
"¿Lo he dicho?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:400
translate es chapter_10_5186e326:
# A "I- um{cps=*.1}...{/cps} w-was that{cps=*.1}...{/cps} did I say-"
A "Yo- um{cps=*.1}...{/cps} f-fue que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} He dicho-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:403
translate es chapter_10_798b31c4:
# F "Y-yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "S-sí{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:405
translate es chapter_10_fabe2da1:
# A "{cps=*.3}Fffffffffff-{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.3}Mmmmmmmmmmm-{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:411
translate es chapter_10_5d7edcb2:
# "My head sinks back into my pillow."
"Mi cabeza se hunde en la almohada."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:413
translate es chapter_10_de50291a:
# A "{cps=*.3}-ffffffffff{/cps}{i}fuck{/i}."
A "{cps=*.3}-mmmmmmmmmm{/cps}{i}Mierda{/i}."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:416
translate es chapter_10_620ea31f:
# "A snort escapes from Fang’s beak."
"Un resoplido se escapa del pico de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:426
translate es chapter_10_3d19d680:
# F "You’re such a fucking dweeb{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eres un maldito bobo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:429
translate es chapter_10_5adb831e:
# "Her fingers brush lightly across the largest bruise on my chest, without ointment."
"Sus dedos rozan suavemente el moretón más grande en mi pecho, sin ungüento."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:434
translate es chapter_10_cd5c566c:
# F "You mutter from time to time. I didn’t start noticing til our{cps=*.1}...{/cps} d-date{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Murmuras de vez en cuando. No comencé a darme cuenta hasta nuestra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} c-cita{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:437
translate es chapter_10_07725c11:
# "I groan aloud."
"Gimoteo en voz alta."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:439
translate es chapter_10_7bb85a56:
# "So the entire time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Así que todo el tiempo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:441
translate es chapter_10_0410a56b:
# F "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} It’s uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda cute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Sí{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Es uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} algo lindo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:444
translate es chapter_10_a57cac18:
# A "Raptor Jesus on his cross of rock. So for months now-"
A "Jesús Raptor en su cruz de roca. Así que desde hace meses-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:446
translate es chapter_10_2f6bd375:
# F "I’ve known. And{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Lo he sabido. Y{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:453
translate es chapter_10_24d7cc1f:
# "Fang leans over me with her hand braced next to my head in support."
"Fang se inclina sobre mí con su mano apoyada junto a mi cabeza en señal de apoyo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:456
translate es chapter_10_7e5b530d:
# F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} like you too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "A mí{cps=*.1}...{/cps} también me gustas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:459
translate es chapter_10_f21444b8:
# "Fang’s hand moves back to my chest, resting just over my machine-gun beating heart."
"La mano de Fang se mueve de regreso a mi pecho, descansando justo sobre mi corazón latiendo como una ametralladora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:462
translate es chapter_10_69ab1108:
# "Her head slowly descends toward mine."
"Su cabeza desciende lentamente hacia la mía."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:464
translate es chapter_10_64faa66b:
# "And before we can start trying to figure out how Human-Dino tonsil hockey is played."
"Y antes de que podamos empezar a intentar averiguar cómo se juega al hockey sobre amígdalas entre humanos y dinos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:466
translate es chapter_10_f5e13bb1:
# "Fang’s weight begins to press down behind her hand."
"El peso de Fang comienza a presionar hacia abajo detrás de su mano."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:469
translate es chapter_10_def67fe6:
# "Which is dead center of the most serious bruise on my chest."
"Que está justo en el centro del moretón más grave de mi pecho."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:475
translate es chapter_10_950cff99:
# A "FUCK!" with vpunch
A "¡JODER!" with vpunch
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:477
translate es chapter_10_18853c65:
# F "Oh shit sorrysorrysorry-"
F "Oh, mierda, losientolosientolosiento-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:483
translate es chapter_10_e10b64de:
# A "{cps=*.15}Haaaah.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.15}Haaaah.{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:485
translate es chapter_10_94f87304:
# "I manage to catch my breath."
"Consigo recuperar el aliento."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:488
translate es chapter_10_a37a10ec:
# A "I’m okay. Just ow{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Estoy bien. Sólo ow{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:491
translate es chapter_10_a2f2c2fb:
# "My hand wraps around Fang’s."
"Mi mano envuelve la de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:493
translate es chapter_10_3e4c9af6:
# A "M-maybe uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} something else?"
A "¿Q-quizás uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} algo más?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:495
translate es chapter_10_3bca1d52:
# A "That won’t stress these."
A "Eso no estresará a estos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:497
translate es chapter_10_64df486c:
# "I nod at the blemishes across my chest."
"Asiento con la cabeza a las manchas de mi pecho."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:500
translate es chapter_10_7d6dc22d:
# F "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.25}liiiiike{/cps}{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
F "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.25}cooooomo{/cps}{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:503
translate es chapter_10_97151cd8:
# A "{cps=*.2}Liiike{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} hug? Maybe? I don-"
A "{cps=*.2}¿Cooomo{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} un abrazo? ¿Quizás? Yo no-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:509
translate es chapter_10_1f0629e5:
# "I’m cut off by Fang moving closer to me again."
"Fui interrumpido por Fang acercándose a mí de nuevo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:511
translate es chapter_10_a38744a4:
# "Her arm shifts, moving from my chest to my shoulder."
"Su brazo se desplaza, pasando de mi pecho a mi hombro."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:514
translate es chapter_10_a50862e7:
# "Her wing drapes over both of us, becoming a soft and warm blanket of feathers."
"Su ala nos cubre a los dos, convirtiéndose en una suave y cálida manta de plumas."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:516
translate es chapter_10_60dc3f8e:
# "And her head lands next to mine, sinking into our now shared pillow until I’m eye to eye with her."
"Y su cabeza aterriza junto a la mía, hundiéndose en nuestra almohada ahora compartida hasta que estoy cara a cara con ella."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:519
translate es chapter_10_670f7540:
# F "Cuddling it is."
F "Los abrazos sí."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:521
translate es chapter_10_2e01bcfc:
# "I smile and nod."
"Sonrío y asiento."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:524
translate es chapter_10_ffca6583:
# "Even if Fang is now laying atop my arm and I’m starting to lose feeling in it."
"Incluso si Fang ahora está sobre mi brazo y estoy empezando a perder sensibilidad en él."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:526
translate es chapter_10_e427f6d4:
# "The feel of her warm body pressed against my side is definitely worth it."
"La sensación de su cálido cuerpo apretado contra mi costado definitivamente vale la pena."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:529
translate es chapter_10_db99cbf9:
# "And between that warmth and the plush wing-blanket, my eyes grow heavy again."
"Y entre ese calor y la manta de felpa, mis ojos se vuelven pesados otra vez."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:532
translate es chapter_10_f944aa09:
# "Fang’s already started to snore, right into my ear."
"Fang ya ha empezado a roncar, justo en mi oído."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:535
translate es chapter_10_029ec7f7:
# "Fuck it. I close my eyes and decide that sleeping with Fang is easily the best thing to happen to me."
"A la mierda. Cierro los ojos y decido que dormir con Fang es fácilmente lo mejor que me ha pasado."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:538
translate es chapter_10_5a015d00:
# "Ah, there{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we{cps=*.1}...{/cps} go{size=-5}o{/size}{size=-10}o{/size}{cps=*.1}{size=-10}...{/size}{/cps}"
"Ah, ahí{cps=*.1}...{/cps} va{cps=*.1}...{/cps} vamos{size=-5}s{/size}{size=-10}s{/size}{cps=*.1}{size=-10}...{/size}{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:546
translate es chapter_10_75e32a77:
# "Z{size=-5}z{/size}{size=-10}z{/size}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:548
translate es chapter_10_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"