488 lines
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488 lines
30 KiB
This kit contains nearly all images that contain text in the game that need to have seperated elements necessary for translation. For most of these, it's straight forward what to do, but there are special instructions for a few as well as general guidelines for all images.
-CLIP STUDIO PAINT (Optional, recommended)
-A tablet/drawing pad
For all project files included, they have been converted from the CLIP format to Photoshop documents for your convenience, so they are compatible with other paint programs. You'll notice there are still CLIP's included anyway - The advantage to them is the text, vectors, and layer markers will not be rasterized from the PSD conversion, so you can edit the text boxes directly with the size, kerning, line spacing, and fonts already set up for you. KEEP IN MIND THAT THE PSD CONVERSIONS ARE NOT PERFECT - some come with extremely slight pixel differences that I cannot explain, which is why there's clip variants for the cafeteria backgrounds, even though you theoretically don't need those.
Given Wani was made primarily in CLIP, it's highly recommended you get CLIP Studio anyway, as the brush included in this kit only works for CLIP. There's also a brush made close to this brush for Procreate, and that has been included as well in case you want to use that. Any brush will do so long as it's similar to the included brushes (slightly pencil-like and shimmering regular pen, minimal anti aliasing)
CLIP Studio has a free trial you can download from their page with a 3 month time limit on all devices, more than enough time to get done with translations. If you don't like the sound of that, the PSD's are still there.
If you're commiting to a translation, understand these points. If you're using these assets for something otherwise, you only need to adhere to point 1 as that is the only hard binding per the licensing:
1. You MUST make the translated images and modified project files free to use, per the CC-BY SA license.
2. Don't change anything in the image that isn't the translated text unless specified otherwise. This includes all the non-text layers and folders. If you need to change a part of the image to suit the translation, let us know at cavemanongames@gmail.com so we can work something out.
3. If an image has DRAWN text, you must also draw the text, not type it.
4. You are not allowed to translate images that aren't explicitly supported to be translatable. That means images not found in this kit are untranslatable, even the photo backgrounds that contain text in them.
Not all words need to be translated! If something is generally understood in your language/culture, don't translate it. If you think there's a phrase, sentence, or word that would benefit from being localized but might be controversial in a lore sense, give us a full list of changes (in assets or in the game script) you want to propose with detailed explanations for everything at cavemanongames@gmail.com and we'll approve of anything that seems good.
Some of these do not have to be followed exactly, and a few contain project files that make them unnecessary. These are for those who want to know the exact specifications of which they are created.
Most of these have been drawn using the G_Pen_Wing_2.sut brush, what we'll call the wani brush. If some look like they've been drawn with G Pen for clip, or a regular looking brush, use that instead. Use your intuition for how the rest of these should be done - they should at least look like the source image.
The layers within the project files have partially flattened layers to make it simpler to navigate and to reduce file size, with the necessary layers needed to reproduce the image exactly still there. The actual text layers/folders should be obvious, and some are marked as reference layers in the clip files (If they are not obvious, they generally will be at the top or bottom of the layer/folder trees).
Some of these are higher resolution than their exported game assets! These include the cafeteria, olivia's first painting, the sketchbook doodles, and the metrostation. They are high-res to make it easier to create the translated assets, and so if anyone wants high res versions of these translated assets, they can. Remember to export the game asset PNG's at half the resolution - Preferably, with CLIP's high accuracy filter as that's how they were exported, but regular bilinear filtering in other programs is fine.
The following instructions will assume you use CLIP.
Love test machine:
Top of the machine:
"25¢" (25 Cents)
Side of the machine:
Front of the machine:
e1 cgs:
6th CG:
"Sorry Olivia"
1st CG:
"BPM 86" (Beats Per Minute)
macaroni prop:
"For Olivia :)"
Font: Times New Roman
12th Grade" 83pt
If you're not using CLIP to change the text easily, make a copy of the text layer and move it 2 pixels right, 1 pixel down. Color it the same color as the layer you're replicating (#D0C7C0)
bg_cafeteria and bg_cafeteria_winter:
Make your changes to the exit sign (The very top layer of the project). Duplicate the layer and flip it vertically so it looks mirrored.
Move the new layer to the spot on the reflection where it would be - It doesn't have to be super accurate but it shouldn't look offcenter to the sign box (Make it around 4 pixels between each boundary of the box).
Go down near the bottom of the last enabled folder of layers that contain the floor reflections, you should see a folder labeled "EXIT". Note the 3 layers in it have specific opacities and blending modes.
Delete the existing layers in the EXIT folder and put your new layer there. Duplicate the layer so there's 3 layers, and place the top-most layer 6 pixels down from the rest of the layers.
Now change the opacity and blending mode of the 3 layers so it corresponds to the original layers. If you don't remember them, the 3 layers below the EXIT folder (Or in the winter version's case, a folder and 2 layers) use the exact same settings. Otherwise, you can copy these to the layers:
Layer 1 (Topmost) - 39% opacity, uses Add (Glow) blending
Layer 2 - 15% opacity, uses Hard Light blending
Layer 3 (Bottommost) - 100% opacity, uses Lighten blending
Adjust the grey box that wraps around the exit letters (The layer that's just under the base colors of the exit letters) to however long you need your translation to be, just needs to still be inside the exit sign box. If needed, adjust the arrow too.
olivia painting:
Font: Times New Roman
"O.HALFORD" 87.1pt, Horizontal Ratio 55, Bold
"O.HALFORD" 87.1pt, Horizontal Ratio 55, Bold, Vertical Ratio 15, flipped vertically
If you're not using CLIP to change the text easily, you should be able to make an identical text with the above information, corresponding with the top and bottom texts in the image.
You don't need to translate every bit of text, especially the huge ones that are very stylized - if it sully's the aesthetic, don't translate it. How much text you want to translate is up to you, just make sure the quality is comparable to the original text. Mak su
This is a special asset that doesn't require translation because it would be hardest asset to translate for something that isn't strictly necessary to understand the game, and also being the most artistically dependant asset to make. Skip this whole section if you don't want to cover it, but if you still want to translate it there's a few things you should know:
-You will need to cover all the assets related to the logo, including the animations.
-Special consideration should be taken for how you translate it, since it is THE logo and depends on an english pun. At minimum, you only need to translate the logo from "I Wanna Hug that Gator!" so it makes sense for the game, but if you want to go the extra mile of including a japanese symbol's phonetic meaning as a pun in your translated "I Wanna Hug that Gator!", then it preferably should be something related to gators, baronyxes, dinos, or otherwise. For instance, "Wani (鰐)" and "Wani (ワニ)" in the logo is the kanji and katagana respectively for "Alligator", and both are combined into the symbol to stylize it to look like olivia in her wheelchair. Keep in mind that the intent of the title is also to parody how japanese VN's title their games - that is, boisterous first-person actions - so try to keep it within that tone.
-The alternate logo is just a joke logo, so if you want to change it so it's not a declaration of how much you want to FUCK that gator, go ahead.
-The dimensions and duration of the image/animation can vary as you need it for translation. Ultimately, keep it within reason with how the game presents with it being legible in-game, not clipping it to the edge of the screen when it goes full screen, and not being too long. If you need to export it at a lower resolution to fit it, do so.
-This is the only asset that doesn't have a PSD alternative, you must use CLIP for this as it's impossible to convert it to PSD.
All of the above (But mainly the localizing parts) will need some approval by us first so the logo is within reason. Shoot us an email at cavemanongames@gmail.com with descriptions of what you want to translate it to and ideally a sketch of your logo so we have an idea, and we'll approve it if it's good.
Once that's covered, make your changes to the logo. This can be done in two main ways, depending on how dedicated you are:
-Re-animating the entire logo in your language
-Animating a subtitle somewhere around the logo that includes the translation instead of editing the logo itself
Use whatever method/program you need to animate the logo, but USE THE SOURCE FILE/FRAMES FROM THE CLIP FILE. Not only do you use the cleanest source with higher-res frames to work with, you also need the transparency in the frames for encoding (explained later). If what you're doing can be animated in CLIP, it's suggested you do so so you're not chaining programs together.
Export the logo frames in CSP by going into File > Export animation(Y) > Image sequence... and in the export dialog make sure the framerate is 30 and the exported resolution is half of the project dimensions (which comes out to 1056 x 950 with the current project file's resolution, but can change depending on your specifications), the same as the game asset's resolution. If you're exporting to edit in another program, export at full res if you want, but they need to be re-exported as individual frames and shrunk back down to the appropriate resolution (Either by batch processing all the frames in your program, or sizing it down with FFMPEG, explained later).
In the 'Export to(F):' field, select the folder to export the frames. Put the frames in the 'logo_frames' folder, and if you're doing the alternate logo put them in the 'logoalt_frames' folder. Hit 'OK' to export.
Double-click the 'Convert Logo frames to videos.bat' and/or 'Convert Alt Logo frames to videos.bat' files, making sure you have frame files for either in the respective frame folders. Lossless and game-usable videos will be found respectively in the 'export' folders.
You may have to edit variables in these scripts to match characteristics of your frame files, such as their naming scheme. Open the batch scripts in a text editor and look at the top of the file where several variables can be found:
set "LOGO_FRAME_BASENAME=Timeline 1_"
Change these variables as you see fit. For instance, if you re-exported your frames from Vegas Pro, they may have a naming scheme of "ProjectName_XXXXXX", where "XXXXXX" is a number between 000000 and 999999, different from CSP's naming scheme which defaults to "Timeline 1_XXXX", so you would change LOGO_FRAME_BASENAME and LOGO_FRAME_DIGITS. This is also where you can automatically downsize your video on conversion if you initially exported the logo frames at full-res.
For people who need to convert the frames manually, download FFMPEG for your system (Through your package manager, building from source, or downloading pre-built binaries from https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds/releases or https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/), and either make them part of your system environment variables or just have the FFMPEG exe in your working directory. Here are the commands for manual conversion:
// This is to convert the logo frames to a lossless video for archival and because converting frames directly to mpeg4 doesn't work properly in FFMPEG.
// Change the arguments to what you need, such as framerate, the starting frame number, and the path to and name of the input frames.
// If you want to downsize your frames by half-res, add '-filter:v scale=iw/2:ih/2' to the command.
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -start_number 0 -i "Timeline_1%04d.png" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv444p -colorspace bt709 -crf 0 "title lossless.mp4"
// Same as the above, but makes an alpha mask video instead. If you want to downsize this as well, replace '-filter:v alphaextract' with '-filter:v "alphaextract, scale=iw/2:ih/2"'
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -start_number 0 -i "Timeline_1%04d.png" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv444p -colorspace bt709 -crf 0 -filter:v alphaextract "titlemask lossless.mp4"
// Now turn that lossless video into a game-usable video. Again, changing things like the path to the input and output video as needed.
ffmpeg -i "title lossless.mp4" -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -c:v vp9 -deadline good -cpu-used 0 -row-mt 1 -tile-columns 2 -lag-in-frames 25 -keyint_min 240 -auto-alt-ref 6 -arnr-maxframes 12 -enable-tpl 1 -colorspace bt709 -b:v 0 -crf 31 "anim_logo1.webm"
// Same as the above, but using the lossless mask video. This will convert it to mpeg4, which prevents the video extension from being '.webm' on export.
ffmpeg -i "titlemask lossless.mp4" -c:v mpeg4 -colorspace bt709 -qscale:v 10 -an "anim_logomask.mp4"
// Rename that exported video to have a '.webm' extension. Or you can just do it in your file explorer.
ren "anim_logomask.mp4" "anim_logomask.webm"
mv "anim_logomask.mp4" "anim_logomask.webm"
To do the same for the alternate logo, switch the filenames as appropriate when inputing commands:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -start_number 0 -i "Timeline_1%04d.png" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv444p -colorspace bt709 -crf 0 "titlealt lossless.mp4"
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -start_number 0 -i "Timeline_1%04d.png" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv444p -colorspace bt709 -crf 0 -filter:v alphaextract "titlealtmask lossless.mp4"
ffmpeg -i "titlealt lossless.mp4" -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -c:v vp9 -deadline good -cpu-used 0 -row-mt 1 -tile-columns 2 -lag-in-frames 25 -keyint_min 240 -auto-alt-ref 6 -arnr-maxframes 12 -enable-tpl 1 -colorspace bt709 -b:v 0 -crf 31 "anim_logoalt1.webm"
ffmpeg -i "titlealtmask lossless.mp4" -c:v mpeg4 -colorspace bt709 -qscale:v 10 -an "anim_logoaltmask.mp4"
ren "anim_logoaltmask.mp4" "anim_logoaltmask.webm"
mv "anim_logoaltmask.mp4" "anim_logoaltmask.webm"
When you're finished with the animations entirely, take the last frames of the logo and alt logo and save them as "anim_logo2.png" and "anim_altlogo2.png" respectively, still making sure they're half-res. If you're ready to assemble them so they follow the game's file structure, move on to the next section.
For several, exporting the text layer will do just fine, but some files contain layers above the text, and care must be taken with them in mind - you can't just export the text layer, you have to export the layer with the accumulative effects of the layers above affecting the text layer.
The best way is to get a selection wand and tune it so it selects every pixel of the layer(s)/folder that isn't completely transparent, and export only that. For CLIP, making a copy of the entire image into a new layer (By selecting all layers, using "Convert Layer(H)..." in the layer context menu, and keeping "Keep original layer" on), ticking off "Apply to connected pixels only", "Area scaling", "Refer multiple", "Anti-aliasing", and setting tolerence to zero for the selection wand, clicking on a completely transparent area on the text layer/folder, inverting the selection, then using the selection to copy those pixels from the copy of the image only to another layer will do the trick. If there's another method you'd rather use, just make sure it selects all pixels that are different between the translated and base image of your asset.
For selecting multiple layers, CLIP is unfortunately annoying about this, so here's the most straightforward way it can be done - After you've done your translation, make a flattened copy of the entire image as a layer. Then, select all your text layers (If there's a layer that's clipping to another, only select the base layer), head to the layer context menu and select "Selection from layer > Create Selection". This will select all visible pixels from the text, so you can use this selection to cut from the flattened image for export. However, the selection will respect the alpha of your text layers, meaning directly exporting from your flattened image won't be accurate and will especially be so if a text layer's opacity is less than 100%. To get around this, cut the text from the flattened image into another new layer, deselect the selection, then reselect with the wand to select the invisible pixels and invert the selection. This will properly grab every single opaque and transluscent pixel equally, and this is the selection you should use for exporting.
Once done, export the new text layers as themselves without the base image and assemble the images (And videos, if you edited the Wani logo) into a seperate folder like the example files in this pack's "game" folder. Make sure you save the modified project files in this pack too. If you used an external program to help animate the logo, provide the project files from it if possible. Compile them all into this pack and make it available as a download (Use any file hoster you need, just don't send us the most pajeeted ad-ridden backwater hoster imaginable). Don't make copies of assets that are entirely unmodified english, since it will show up in game as english anyways.
If you're only translating assets, or coinciding them with translated scripts, email us them at cavemanongames@gmail.com as a link and we'll make it publically available, or more conveniently put it on our git - git.cavemanon.xyz
If you do so on the git, please leave it somewhere where it can be seen. You can create an issue on the Wani Translation Kit repository and leave a link for others to use and eventually implement (You must make an account to create issues)
Alternatively, create an issue on the Wani demo repository and leave a link for others to use and eventually implement (Likely, you won't be able to do a PR since it concerns files that only relate to the full game)
We've put the onus on translators to handle fonts so text in general is simple to handle. Wani uses mega-fonts that incorporate all characters for supported languages, and if your language is unfortunate enough to not use cryllic, latin, or thai characters, you'll have to add to these fonts. The 3 fonts that are used by Wani are in:
-DejaVuSans.ttf (Optional)
Use a program like Font Forge (https://fontforge.org) to edit these fonts and put in your language's characters, either by creating them yourself or copying them from another font. If you go with the latter option, make sure your font comes from a permissive font license such as OFL or Public Domain that allows you to do this, and provide a link to the font download as proof.
The following instructions apply only to fontforge:
1. Open the font you want to edit.
3. Go to "Element" -> "Merge Fonts..." at the top bar.
4. Select your language's font to merge characters from.
5. At the pop-up to retain kerning, you'll generally want to select yes unless the font looks weird in-game.
6. Go to "File" -> "Generate Fonts..." and save the updated font in the filetype it was in. Put the font in-game and verify it looks good.
If the font messes up, it's likely either because certain settings did not carry over, the merge used your font's settings as a basis which are incompatible with the game's font, or both. You'll want to open your font in FontForge and check the metadata ("Element" -> "Fonts Info" at the top bar.). Particularly, the tabs 'General', 'OS/2', and 'MarkSets' are areas of interest. For instance, EM size can be culprit for smaller or bigger than usual fonts when merging, so adjust it to be the same as the game's font, then merge. Another instance can be languages that use MarkSets, which don't carry over when merging - Simply copy and paste the values from your font (Although FontForge is weird about this, it won't allow you to copy and paste directly between instances of FontForge).
If you're worried about accidentally replacing existing characters, the merging shouldn't do so, but you can compare fonts by going into "Element" -> "Compare Fonts..." while having 2 fonts open in fontforge. Deselect everything but "Compare Outlines" and tick on "Add Missing Glyphs", then click OK to show highlighted missing characters between the 2 fonts. To make checking them bearable, go to "Encoding" -> "Compact (hide unused glyphs)".
For the DejaVuSans.tff font, that is actually Ren'Py's default font, and is used in debugging screens. This contains a fair amount of characters from most languages so you shouldn't need to replace this, but on the off chance you do, you can outright replace the font with another by creating a 'fonts' folder in your language folder ( 'game/tl/(your language)' ), and dropping the file there. Then, in one of the translation scripts, insert this block of code somewhere, adjusting for your font filename and language code (Refer to next section):
translate your-language-code python:
gui.system_font = "your-font-here.extension"
While translating the rest of the game is outside the scope of this pack, chances are you're dedicated enough to want to translate the whole game anyway. Ren'Py is thankfully designed so codelets can pitch in and work on stuff.
At https://www.renpy.org/, you can download Renpy's 8.3.4 SDK (Which is really just a launcher with QoL tools) and go through it's tutorial projects to get a grip on how Renpy works. Specifically for translations, Renpy allows you to generate swaths of empty strings in a language of your designation so you can just pick it up and start translating. When generating, make your language code a generally two character, lowercase string like 'es' or 'ru'. If your language is a variation of some other language, such as brazilian portuguese, it's fine to make that a longer code such as pt_br. Try sticking with the list of codes located at the bottom of this readme so you don't accidentally steal some other language's convenient and identifiable code (Taken from the renpy source code, as reference).
You can find out more about them on Renpy's wiki, which can be found on Renpy's homepage. Generating strings for the whole game requires you assemble the game as a Renpy project, and a tutorial of which can be found on the Demo's git page - https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/IWaniHugThatGator-Demo-Public
Undoubtedly, there's going to be some quirks that will go beyond simple string replacement when it comes to suiting any given language, such as fonts, localization, text that becomes too long or short, etc. Some of these can be alleviated with Ren'Py's text tags, which can change things like the size of a text. Deal with them in any way you think is necessary, or make an issue on the Wani Demo repo on our git for things that can be tweaked to be more language agnostic.
When you're finished with the translation, full credits should go in the about section in the extras menu, located in screens.rpy. There should be a comment in the about section on how to put in names (Edit the actual file, to add in your names alongisde the other language contributers, then re-generate strings as necessary to translate the titles).
If you wish to put your names in your credit sequence, you can replace the strings in the translation file for credits.rpy "Stock sounds acquired at:" with "Translation by:" and put in your names in place of the stock sound sites. Due to the nature of replacing strings this way, it's really jank - Do not make your names go to a new line or use new line terminators to add more names, if you REALLY need to add more than 3 names, just seperate them by commas on any given line. Only put in the people who have contributed most, because it shouldn't be a crowded mess, especially so the E4 credits image these credits appear in isn't super obstructed.
One spanish anon has provided tools for helping with translations should you need it. This tool might help with making a basis for a real translation or the funniest shit you've ever seen depending on how you want to use it.
locales = {
"ab": "abkhazian",
"aa": "afar",
"af": "afrikaans",
"ak": "akan",
"sq": "albanian",
"am": "amharic",
"ar": "arabic",
"an": "aragonese",
"hy": "armenian",
"as": "assamese",
"av": "avaric",
"ae": "avestan",
"ay": "aymara",
"az": "azerbaijani",
"bm": "bambara",
"ba": "bashkir",
"eu": "basque",
"be": "belarusian",
"bn": "bengali",
"bh": "bihari",
"bi": "bislama",
"bs": "bosnian",
"br": "breton",
"bg": "bulgarian",
"my": "burmese",
"ca": "catalan",
"ch": "chamorro",
"ce": "chechen",
"ny": "chewa",
"cv": "chuvash",
"kw": "cornish",
"co": "corsican",
"cr": "cree",
"hr": "croatian",
"cs": "czech",
"da": "danish",
"dv": "maldivian",
"nl": "dutch",
"dz": "dzongkha",
"en": "english",
"et": "estonian",
"ee": "ewe",
"fo": "faroese",
"fj": "fijian",
"fi": "finnish",
"fr": "french",
"ff": "fulah",
"gl": "galician",
"ka": "georgian",
"de": "german",
"el": "greek",
"gn": "guaran",
"gu": "gujarati",
"ht": "haitian",
"ha": "hausa",
"he": "hebrew",
"hz": "herero",
"hi": "hindi",
"ho": "hiri_motu",
"hu": "hungarian",
"id": "indonesian",
"ga": "irish",
"ig": "igbo",
"ik": "inupiaq",
"is": "icelandic",
"it": "italian",
"iu": "inuktitut",
"ja": "japanese",
"jv": "javanese",
"kl": "greenlandic",
"kn": "kannada",
"kr": "kanuri",
"ks": "kashmiri",
"kk": "kazakh",
"km": "khmer",
"ki": "kikuyu",
"rw": "kinyarwanda",
"ky": "kirghiz",
"kv": "komi",
"kg": "kongo",
"ko": "korean",
"ku": "kurdish",
"kj": "kuanyama",
"la": "latin",
"lb": "luxembourgish",
"lg": "ganda",
"li": "limburgan",
"ln": "lingala",
"lo": "lao",
"lt": "lithuanian",
"lv": "latvian",
"gv": "manx",
"mk": "macedonian",
"mg": "malagasy",
"ms": "malay",
"ml": "malayalam",
"mt": "maltese",
"mi": "maori",
"mr": "marathi",
"mh": "marshallese",
"mn": "mongolian",
"na": "nauru",
"nv": "navaho",
"ne": "nepali",
"ng": "ndonga",
"no": "norwegian",
"ii": "nuosu",
"nr": "ndebele",
"oc": "occitan",
"oj": "ojibwa",
"om": "oromo",
"or": "oriya",
"os": "ossetian",
"pa": "panjabi",
"pi": "pali",
"fa": "persian",
"pl": "polish",
"ps": "pashto",
"pt": "portuguese",
"qu": "quechua",
"rm": "romansh",
"rn": "rundi",
"ro": "romanian",
"ru": "russian",
"sa": "sanskrit",
"sc": "sardinian",
"sd": "sindhi",
"se": "sami",
"sm": "samoan",
"sg": "sango",
"sr": "serbian",
"gd": "gaelic",
"sn": "shona",
"si": "sinhala",
"sk": "slovak",
"sl": "slovene",
"so": "somali",
"st": "sotho",
"es": "spanish",
"su": "sundanese",
"sw": "swahili",
"ss": "swati",
"sv": "swedish",
"ta": "tamil",
"te": "telugu",
"tg": "tajik",
"th": "thai",
"ti": "tigrinya",
"bo": "tibetan",
"tk": "turkmen",
"tl": "tagalog",
"tn": "tswana",
"to": "tongan",
"tr": "turkish",
"ts": "tsonga",
"tt": "tatar",
"tw": "twi",
"ty": "tahitian",
"ug": "uighur",
"uk": "ukrainian",
"ur": "urdu",
"uz": "uzbek",
"ve": "venda",
"vi": "vietnamese",
"wa": "walloon",
"cy": "welsh",
"wo": "wolof",
"fy": "frisian",
"xh": "xhosa",
"yi": "yiddish",
"yo": "yoruba",
"za": "zhuang",
"zu": "zulu",
"chs": "simplified_chinese",
"cht": "traditional_chinese",
"zh": "traditional_chinese",
"zh_tw" : "traditional_chinese",
"zh_cn" : "simplified_chinese",
"zh_hk" : "traditional_chinese",
"zh_sg" : "simplified_chinese",
"zh_mo" : "traditional_chinese",