
677 lines
30 KiB

#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <pqxx/pqxx>
#include <pqxx/except>
#include "crow.h"
#include "databaseStatementConstCollection.cpp"
using namespace DatabaseStatementConstCollection;
* Database Manager
namespace Database {
//Valid names for the JSON
const static std::string JSON_ITEM_NAMES[] ={"id", "customerName", "customerEmailAddress", "customerContactDetails", "freelancerID", "templateID", "currencyPreference", "priceUpFront", "priceOnDeliver", "requestDescription", "accepted", "upFrontInvoiceID", "onDeliverInvoiceID", "upFrontPaid", "onDeliverPaid", "completed"};
* Struct Representing an item in Requests
struct requestsItem {
int id = 0;
std::string customerName;
std::string customerEmailAddress;
std::string customerContactDetails;
int freelancerID = 0;
int templateID = 0;
std::string currencyPreference;
std::string priceUpFront;
std::string priceOnDeliver;
std::string requestDescription;
bool accepted = false;
std::string upFrontInvoiceID;
std::string onDeliverInvoiceID;
bool upFrontPaid = false;
bool onDeliverPaid = false;
bool completed = false;
* outputs request item in a JSON String
std::string toJSONString() const{
std::string outputString;
outputString = R"({"requestItem:":{)";
outputString += R"("id": )" + std::to_string(id) + ",";
outputString += R"("customerName": ")" + customerName + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("customerEmailAddress": ")" + customerEmailAddress + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("customerContactDetails": ")" + customerContactDetails + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("freelancerID": )" + std::to_string(freelancerID) + ",";
outputString += R"("templateID": )" + std::to_string(templateID) + ",";
outputString += R"("currencyPreference": ")" + currencyPreference + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("priceUpFront": ")" + priceUpFront + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("priceOnDeliver": ")" + priceOnDeliver + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("requestDescription": ")" + requestDescription + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("accepted": )" + std::to_string(accepted) + ",";
outputString += R"("invoiceID": ")" + upFrontInvoiceID + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("onDeliverInvoiceID": ")" + onDeliverInvoiceID + R"(",)";
outputString += R"("upFrontPaid": )" + std::to_string(upFrontPaid) + ",";
outputString += R"("onDeliverPaid": )" + std::to_string(onDeliverPaid) + ",";
outputString += R"("completed": )" + std::to_string(completed);
outputString += "}}";
return outputString;
* prints request item into standard out
void outputItem() const{
std::cout << "id = " << id << std::endl;
std::cout << "customerName = " << customerName << std::endl;
std::cout << "customerEmailAddress = " << customerEmailAddress << std::endl;
std::cout << "customerContactDetails = " << customerContactDetails << std::endl;
std::cout << "freelancerID = " << freelancerID << std::endl;
std::cout << "templateID = " << templateID << std::endl;
std::cout << "currencyPreference = " << currencyPreference << std::endl;
std::cout << "priceUpFront = " << priceUpFront << std::endl;
std::cout << "priceOnDeliver = " << priceOnDeliver << std::endl;
std::cout << "requestDescription = " << requestDescription << std::endl;
std::cout << "accepted = " << accepted << std::endl;
std::cout << "InvoiceID = " << upFrontInvoiceID << std::endl;
std::cout << "onDeliverInvoiceID = " << onDeliverInvoiceID << std::endl;
std::cout << "upFrontPaid = " << upFrontPaid << std::endl;
std::cout << "onDeliverPaid = " << onDeliverPaid << std::endl;
std::cout << "completed = " << completed << std::endl;
* Parses a JSON and fills the Item with the delivered values
void insertJsonIntoItem(const crow::json::rvalue& itemJson){
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[0])) id = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[0]].i();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[1])) customerName = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[1]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[2])) customerEmailAddress = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[2]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[3])) customerContactDetails = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[3]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[4])) freelancerID = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[4]].i();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[5])) templateID = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[5]].i();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[6])) currencyPreference = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[6]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[7])) priceUpFront = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[7]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[8])) priceOnDeliver = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[8]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[9])) requestDescription = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[9]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[10])) accepted = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[10]].b();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[11])) upFrontInvoiceID = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[11]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[12])) onDeliverInvoiceID = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[12]].s();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[13])) upFrontPaid = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[13]].b();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[14])) onDeliverPaid = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[14]].b();
if (itemJson.has(JSON_ITEM_NAMES[15])) completed = itemJson[JSON_ITEM_NAMES[15]].b();
* Executes an SQL query and returns results
* Takes an open pqxx::connection
pqxx::result executeSQL(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& sqlQuery) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec(sqlQuery);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement INSERT_ITEM_IN_REQUESTS
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the requestsItem to insert
* returns errorLevel
* 0 = no error
* 1 = query error
* 2 = critical error
int executePreparedStatement_INSERT_ITEM_IN_REQUESTS(pqxx::connection &connection, const requestsItem& item) {
try {
pqxx::work work(connection);
item.customerEmailAddress, item.freelancerID, item.templateID,
item.currencyPreference, item.priceUpFront, item.priceOnDeliver,
item.requestDescription, item.accepted, item.upFrontInvoiceID,
item.onDeliverInvoiceID, item.upFrontPaid, item.onDeliverPaid,
item.completed, item.customerContactDetails, item.customerName);
catch (pqxx::sql_error const &e) {
<< "Database error: " << e.what() << std::endl
<< "Query was: " << e.query() << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 2;
return 0;
* Executes the prepared statement INSERT_NEW_FREELANCER
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the name, email, salt and hash
* returns errorLevel
* 0 = no error
* 1 = query error
* 2 = critical error
int executePreparedStatement_INSERT_NEW_FREELANCER(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& email, const std::string& name, const std::string& salt, const std::string& hash) {
try {
pqxx::work work(connection);
work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_INSERT_NEW_FREELANCER, email, name, salt, hash);
catch (pqxx::sql_error const &e) {
<< "Database error: " << e.what() << std::endl
<< "Query was: " << e.query() << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 2;
return 0;
* Takes an open pqxx::connection
pqxx::result executeStatement_SELECT_FREELANCERS_WITHCOMMISSIONSSTATE(pqxx::connection &connection) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec(SQL_Statement_SELECT_FREELANCERS_WITHCOMMISSIONSSTATE);
return result;
* Takes an open pqxx::connection
pqxx::result executeStatement_SELECT_FREELANCERS_COUNT(pqxx::connection &connection) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec(SQL_Statement_SELECT_FREELANCERS_COUNT);
return result;
* Takes an open pqxx::connection the limit and the offset
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCERS_WITHCOMMISSIONSSTATE_LIMITED_AND_OFFSET(pqxx::connection &connection, int limit, int offset) {
if (offset < 0)
offset = 0;
pqxx::work work(connection);
return result;
* Takes an open pqxx::connection
void executeStatement_STATEMENT_PURGE_EXPIRED_FREELANCER_RESET_KEYS(pqxx::connection &connection) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
* Executes the PURGE_EXPIRED_LOGIN_LOCKOUTS statement
* Takes an open pqxx::connection
void executeStatement_STATEMENT_PURGE_EXPIRED_LOGIN_LOCKOUTS(pqxx::connection &connection) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_ITEM_BY_ID
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_ITEM_BY_ID(pqxx::connection &connection, int id) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_ITEM_BY_ID, id);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER(pqxx::connection &connection, int freelancerID) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER, freelancerID);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER_COMMISSION_STATE
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_COMMISSION_STATE(pqxx::connection &connection, int freelancerID) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_COMMISSION_STATE, freelancerID);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER_EMAIL
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_EMAIL(pqxx::connection &connection, int freelancerID) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_EMAIL, freelancerID);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER_SALT
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_SALT(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_SALT, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER_ID
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_ID(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_ID, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_CHECK_EMAIL_EXISTS
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the emailAddress to check
* Delivers count of emailaddress occurrence 0 for none 1+ for more
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_CHECK_EMAIL_EXISTS(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_EMAIL_EXISTS, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_LOGIN_STATE
* Takes an open pqxx::connection the loginKey and the id to check
* Delivers count of loginValidationKey occurrence 0 for none 1+ for more
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_LOGIN_STATE(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail, const std::string& loginKey) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_LOGIN_STATE, freelancerEmail, loginKey);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_CHECK_HASH_VALID
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the emailAddress and hash to check
* Delivers 0 if email + hash are not valid 1 if they are
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_CHECK_HASH_VALID(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress, const std::string& hash) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_HASH_VALID, emailAddress, hash);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_CHECK_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the emailAddress
* Delivers true if the login for the given email is locked
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_CHECK_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT, emailAddress);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_GET_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_MINUTES
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the emailAddress
* Delivers minutes until the login lock out expires
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_GET_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_MINUTES(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_GET_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_MINUTES, emailAddress);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement INSERT_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the emailAddress
void executePreparedStatement_INSERT_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_INSERT_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT, emailAddress);
* Executes the prepared statement UPDATE_INCREMENT_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_ATTEMPTS
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the emailAddress
void executePreparedStatement_UPDATE_INCREMENT_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_ATTEMPTS(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_UPDATE_INCREMENT_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_ATTEMPTS, emailAddress);
* Executes the prepared statement CHECK_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_ATTEMPTS
* Takes an open pqxx::connection the emailAddress and the max attempts
* returns true if the lock out attempts, exceed or equate the given max attempts
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_CHECK_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_ATTEMPTS(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress, int maxAttempts) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT_ATTEMPTS, emailAddress, maxAttempts);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement UPDATE_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT
* Takes an open pqxx::connection the emailAddress and the additive lock out in seconds
void executePreparedStatement_UPDATE_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& emailAddress, int lockOutSeconds) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
std::string lockOutString = std::to_string(lockOutSeconds) + " second";
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_UPDATE_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LOCK_OUT, emailAddress, lockOutSeconds);
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_TEMPLATE
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_TEMPLATE(pqxx::connection &connection, int templateID) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_TEMPLATE, templateID);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_TEMPLATE_FLAT
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_TEMPLATE_FLAT(pqxx::connection &connection, int templateID) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_TEMPLATE_FLAT, templateID);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATES
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the id to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATES(pqxx::connection &connection, int freelancerID) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATES, freelancerID);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_ALIAS
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the alias name to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_ALIAS(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& aliasName) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_ALIAS, aliasName);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_FREELANCER_ALIAS
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the freelancer email to select by
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_ALIAS(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_ALIAS, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement UPDATE_LOGIN_VALIDATION_KEY
* Takes an open pqxx::connection, the freelancerID and the loginKey to update the entry
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_UPDATE_LOGIN_VALIDATION_KEY(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& loginKey, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_UPDATE_LOGIN_VALIDATION_KEY, loginKey, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement UPDATE_FREELANCER_PASSWORD_HASH
* Takes an open pqxx::connection, the freelancer email
* returns errorLevel
* 0 = no error
* 1 = query error
* 2 = critical error
int executePreparedStatement_UPDATE_FREELANCER_PASSWORD_HASH(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& hash, const std::string& salt, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
try {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_UPDATE_FREELANCER_PASSWORD_HASH, hash, salt, freelancerEmail);
catch (pqxx::sql_error const &e) {
<< "Database error: " << e.what() << std::endl
<< "Query was: " << e.query() << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 2;
return 0;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the password reset key
* returns 1 if email has reset key
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY_EXPIRED
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the password reset key
* returns 0 if reset key is not expired
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY_EXPIRED(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHECK_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY_EXPIRED, freelancerEmail);
return result;
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the password reset key
* returns email if reset key exists
pqxx::result executePreparedStatement_SELECT_FREELANCER_EMAIL_FROM_PASSWORD_RESET_KEY(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& passwordResetKey) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_SELECT_FREELANCER_EMAIL_FROM_PASSWORD_RESET_KEY, passwordResetKey);
return result;
* Executes the prepared statement DELETE_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY
* Deletes the entry for a reset key based on a freelancer email
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the freelancers email
void executePreparedStatement_DELETE_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_DELETE_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY, freelancerEmail);
* Executes the prepared statement INSERT_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY
* Creates a new entry for a password reset key for a freelancer
* Takes an open pqxx::connection the freelancers email and the password reset key
void executePreparedStatement_INSERT_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& freelancerEmail, const std::string& passwordResetKey) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_INSERT_FREELANCER_RESET_KEY, freelancerEmail, passwordResetKey);
* Executes the prepared statement INSERT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE
* Takes an open pqxx::connection and the strings name, content, contactdata, contactinformation, currencypreference, priceupfront, priceondeliver, freelancerEmail
* returns errorLevel
* 0 = no error
* 1 = query error
* 2 = critical error
int executePreparedStatement_INSERT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& name, const std::string& content, const std::string& contactdata, const std::string& contactinformation, const std::string& currencypreference, const std::string& priceupfront, const std::string& priceondeliver, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
try {
pqxx::work work(connection);
work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_INSERT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE, name, content, contactdata, contactinformation, currencypreference, priceupfront, priceondeliver, freelancerEmail);
catch (pqxx::sql_error const &e) {
<< "Database error: " << e.what() << std::endl
<< "Query was: " << e.query() << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 2;
return 0;
* Executes the prepared statement UPDATE_EDIT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE
* Takes an open pqxx::connection name, content, contactdata, contactinformation, currencypreference, priceupfront, priceondeliver, templateid and the freelancers email
* returns true if update occured
bool executePreparedStatement_UPDATE_EDIT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& name, const std::string& content, const std::string& contactdata, const std::string& contactinformation, const std::string& currencypreference, const std::string& priceupfront, const std::string& priceondeliver, int templateid, const std::string& emailAddress) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
pqxx::result result = work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_UPDATE_EDIT_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE, name, content, contactdata, contactinformation, currencypreference, priceupfront, priceondeliver, templateid, emailAddress);
return result.affected_rows() != 0;
* Executes the prepared statement DELETE_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE
* Deletes a templated based on the id and validated with the freelancer email
* Takes an open pqxx::connection the template id and the freelancers email
void executePreparedStatement_DELETE_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE(pqxx::connection &connection, int templateID, const std::string& freelancerEmail) {
pqxx::work work(connection);
work.exec_prepared(PREPARED_STATEMENT_DELETE_FREELANCER_TEMPLATE, templateID, freelancerEmail);
* Prepares a statement based on ID
* Takes an open pqxx::connection, the statement id
void prepareStatement(pqxx::connection &connection, int statementID) {
const std::string& preparedStatementName =;
* Prepares a statement based on Statement name
* Takes an open pqxx::connection, the statement name
void prepareStatement(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::string& PREPARED_STATEMENT) {
* Prepares Statements
* ID list is found as consts in DatabaseStatementConstCollection
void prepareStatements(pqxx::connection &connection, const std::vector<int>& statementIDsToPrepare) {
for (int statementID : statementIDsToPrepare) {
* parses the result and returns a JSON
* Takes a result and optionally the desired row
* !the result delivers only lowercase column names, either the templates are appropriately changed
* or a validation is performed at conversion.
crow::json::wvalue convertResultRowToJSON(pqxx::result &result, int row = 0){
crow::json::wvalue returnJson;
for (int i = 0; i < result.columns(); ++i) {
returnJson[result.column_name(i)] =;
return returnJson;
* parses the result and returns a JSON
* parses it fully and returns a JSON containing it at the top or below a variable
* takes the result and optionally a name for the top level variable
crow::json::wvalue convertResultToJSON(pqxx::result &result, const std::string& jsonName){
std::vector<crow::json::wvalue> jsonVector;
for (int row = 0; row < result.size(); ++row) {
crow::json::wvalue jsonVectorItem;
for (int i = 0; i < result.columns(); ++i) {
jsonVectorItem[result.column_name(i)] =;
crow::json::wvalue returnJson;
if (!jsonName.empty()){
returnJson[jsonName] = crow::json::wvalue(jsonVector);
returnJson = crow::json::wvalue(jsonVector);
return returnJson;