forked from MichaelYick/mailpoet
Before this commit, we had two different PHPStan configuration files. One for the lib directory (phpstan.neon) and another one for the tests directory (phpstan-tests.neon). This commit combines both files into one (phpstan.neon) to make it easier to maintain and make changes to PHPStan configurations. As part of this process, it was necessary to change the Robo command `./do qa:phpstan` to call PHPStan only once and to combine php-version-dependent-config-tests.php and php-version-dependent-config-libs.php in a new file called php-version-dependent-config.php. Another benefit of this change is that running PHPStan only once with a single configuration file means that it runs about 20% faster than the previous setup. [MAILPOET-4024]
1084 lines
35 KiB
1084 lines
35 KiB
// phpcs:ignore PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
const ZIP_BUILD_PATH = __DIR__ . '/';
use \MailPoet\Test\SplitTests\SplitTestFilesByGroups;
public function __construct() {
// disable xdebug to avoid slowing down command execution
$xdebugHandler = new \Composer\XdebugHandler\XdebugHandler('mailpoet');
$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createUnsafeImmutable(__DIR__);
public function install() {
return $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('./tools/vendor/composer.phar install')
->exec('npm ci --prefer-offline')
public function update() {
return $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('./tools/vendor/composer.phar update')
->exec('npm update')
public function watchCss() {
$cssFiles = $this->rsearch('assets/css/src/', ['scss']);
->monitor($cssFiles, function($changedFile) {
$file = $changedFile->getResource()->getResource();
->exec('npm run scss')
->exec('npm run autoprefixer')
public function watchJs() {
$this->_exec('./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --watch');
public function compileAll($opts = ['env' => null]) {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode(function() use ($opts) {
return call_user_func([$this, 'compileJs'], $opts);
$collection->addCode(function() use ($opts) {
return call_user_func([$this, 'compileCss'], $opts);
return $collection->run();
public function compileJs($opts = ['env' => null]) {
if (!is_dir('assets/dist/js')) {
mkdir('assets/dist/js', 0777, true);
$this->_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/assets/dist/js/*');
$env = ($opts['env']) ?
sprintf('./node_modules/.bin/cross-env NODE_ENV="%s"', $opts['env']) :
return $this->_exec($env . ' ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js');
public function compileCss($opts = ['env' => null]) {
if (!is_dir('assets/dist/css')) {
mkdir('assets/dist/css', 0777, true);
// Clean up folder from previous files
array_map('unlink', glob("assets/dist/css/*.*"));
$this->_exec('npm run stylelint -- "assets/css/src/**/*.scss"');
$this->_exec('npm run scss');
$compilationResult = $this->_exec('npm run autoprefixer');
// Create manifest file
$manifest = [];
foreach (glob('assets/dist/css/*.css') as $style) {
// Hash and rename styles if production environment
if ($opts['env'] === 'production') {
$hashedStyle = sprintf(
substr(md5_file($style), 0, 8)
$manifest[basename($style)] = $hashedStyle;
rename($style, str_replace(basename($style), $hashedStyle, $style));
} else {
$manifest[basename($style)] = basename($style);
file_put_contents('assets/dist/css/manifest.json', json_encode($manifest, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
return $compilationResult;
public function translationsInit() {
// Define WP_TRANSIFEX_API_TOKEN env. variable
return $this->_exec('./tasks/');
public function translationsBuild() {
return $this->_exec(
'php tasks/makepot/grunt-makepot.php wp-plugin . lang/mailpoet.pot mailpoet .mp_svn,assets,lang,node_modules,plugin_repository,tasks,tests,vendor'
public function translationsPack() {
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode([$this, 'translationsInit'])
public function translationsPush() {
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode([$this, 'translationsInit'])
->taskExec('tx push -s')
public function testUnit(array $opts=['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => false, 'debug' => false]) {
$command = 'vendor/bin/codecept run unit';
if ($opts['file']) {
$command .= ' -f ' . $opts['file'];
if ($opts['xml']) {
$command .= ' --xml';
if ($opts['debug']) {
$command .= ' --debug';
return $this->_exec($command);
public function testIntegration(array $opts=['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => false, 'debug' => false]) {
if (getenv('MAILPOET_DEV_SITE')) {
$run = $this->confirm("You are about to run tests on the development site. Your DB data will be erased. \nDo you want to proceed?", false);
if (!$run) {
$command = 'vendor/bin/codecept run integration -vvv';
if ($opts['multisite']) {
$command = 'MULTISITE=true ' . $command;
if ($opts['file']) {
$command .= ' -f ' . $opts['file'];
if ($opts['xml']) {
$command .= ' --xml';
if ($opts['debug']) {
$command .= ' --debug';
return $this->_exec($command);
public function testMultisiteIntegration($opts=['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => true]) {
return $this->testIntegration($opts);
public function testCoverage($opts=['file' => null, 'xml' => false]) {
$command = join(' ', [
'vendor/bin/codecept run -s acceptance',
(($opts['file']) ? $opts['file'] : ''),
($opts['xml']) ? '--coverage-xml' : '--coverage-html',
if ($opts['xml']) {
$command .= ' --xml';
return $this->execWithXDebug($command);
public function testNewsletterEditor($xmlOutputFile = null) {
$command = join(' ', [
'-r tests/javascript_newsletter_editor/mochaTestHelper.js',
if (!empty($xmlOutputFile)) {
$command .= sprintf(
' --reporter xunit --reporter-options output="%s"',
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode(function () {
public function testJavascript($xmlOutputFile = null) {
$command = './node_modules/.bin/mocha --require tests/javascript/babel_register.js tests/javascript/**/*.spec.js';
if (!empty($xmlOutputFile)) {
$command .= sprintf(
' --reporter xunit --reporter-options output="%s"',
return $this->_exec($command);
public function testDebugUnit($opts=['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'debug' => true]) {
return $this->testUnit($opts);
public function testDebugIntegration($opts=['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'debug' => true]) {
return $this->testIntegration($opts);
public function testAcceptance($opts=['file' => null, 'skip-deps' => false, 'timeout' => null]) {
return $this->taskExec(
'COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=200 docker-compose run ' .
($opts['skip-deps'] ? '-e SKIP_DEPS=1 ' : '') .
($opts['timeout'] ? '-e WAIT_TIMEOUT=' . (int)$opts['timeout'] . ' ' : '') .
'codeception --steps --debug -vvv ' .
'-f ' . ($opts['file'] ? $opts['file'] : '')
)->dir(__DIR__ . '/tests/docker')->run();
public function testAcceptanceMultisite($opts=['file' => null, 'skip-deps' => false, 'timeout' => null]) {
return $this->taskExec(
'COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=200 docker-compose run ' .
($opts['skip-deps'] ? '-e SKIP_DEPS=1 ' : '') .
($opts['timeout'] ? '-e WAIT_TIMEOUT=' . (int)$opts['timeout'] . ' ' : '') .
'-e MULTISITE=1 ' .
'codeception --steps --debug -vvv ' .
'-f ' . ($opts['file'] ? $opts['file'] : '')
)->dir(__DIR__ . '/tests/docker')->run();
public function deleteDocker() {
return $this->taskExec(
'docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans --rmi all'
)->dir(__DIR__ . '/tests/docker')->run();
public function testFailedUnit() {
$this->_exec('vendor/bin/codecept build');
return $this->_exec('vendor/bin/codecept run unit -g failed');
public function testFailedIntegration() {
$this->_exec('vendor/bin/codecept build');
return $this->_exec('vendor/bin/codecept run integration -g failed');
public function containerDump() {
define('ABSPATH', getenv('WP_ROOT') . '/');
if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php')) {
$this->yell('WP_ROOT env variable does not contain valid path to wordpress root.', 40, 'red');
$configurator = new \MailPoet\DI\ContainerConfigurator();
$dumpFile = __DIR__ . '/generated/' . $configurator->getDumpClassname() . '.php';
$this->say('Deleting DI Container');
$this->_exec("rm -f $dumpFile");
$this->say('Generating DI container cache');
$containerFactory = new \MailPoet\DI\ContainerFactory($configurator);
$container = $containerFactory->getConfiguredContainer();
$dumper = new \MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper\PhpDumper($container);
'class' => $configurator->getDumpClassname(),
'namespace' => $configurator->getDumpNamespace(),
public function doctrineGenerateCache() {
$doctrineMetadataDir = \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConfigurationFactory::METADATA_DIR;
$validatorMetadataDir = \MailPoet\Doctrine\Validator\ValidatorFactory::METADATA_DIR;
$proxyDir = \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConfigurationFactory::PROXY_DIR;
// Cleanup
$this->_exec("rm -rf $doctrineMetadataDir");
$this->_exec("rm -rf $validatorMetadataDir");
$this->_exec("rm -rf $proxyDir");
// Metadata
$entityManager = $this->createDoctrineEntityManager();
$doctrineMetadata = $entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$this->say("Doctrine metadata generated to: $doctrineMetadataDir");
// Proxies
$this->say("Doctrine proxies generated to: $proxyDir");
// Validator
$annotationReaderProvider = new \MailPoet\Doctrine\Annotations\AnnotationReaderProvider();
$validatorFactory = new \MailPoet\Doctrine\Validator\ValidatorFactory($annotationReaderProvider);
$validator = $validatorFactory->createValidator();
foreach ($doctrineMetadata as $metadata) {
require_once $proxyDir . '/__CG__' . str_replace('\\', '', $metadata->getName()) . '.php';
$validator->getMetadataFor("MailPoetDoctrineProxies\__CG__\\" . $metadata->getName());
$this->say("Validator metadata generated to: $validatorMetadataDir");
public function qa() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaPhp']);
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaFrontendAssets']);
return $collection->run();
public function qaPhp() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLint']);
$collection->addCode(function() {
return $this->qaCodeSniffer([]);
return $collection->run();
public function qaFrontendAssets() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLintJavascript']);
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLintCss']);
return $collection->run();
public function qaLint() {
return $this->_exec('./tasks/code_sniffer/vendor/bin/parallel-lint lib/ tests/ mailpoet.php');
public function qaLintJavascript() {
return $this->_exec('npm run check-types && npm run lint');
public function qaLintCss() {
return $this->_exec('npm run stylelint-check -- "assets/css/src/**/*.scss"');
public function qaCodeSniffer(array $filesToCheck, $opts = ['severity' => 'all']) {
$severityFlag = $opts['severity'] === 'all' ? '-w' : '-n';
$task = implode(' ', [
$foldersToIgnore = [
$stringFilesToCheck = !empty($filesToCheck) ? implode(' ', $filesToCheck) : '.';
return $this
->arg('--ignore=' . implode(',', $foldersToIgnore))
public function qaFixFile($filePath) {
if (substr($filePath, -4) === '.php') {
// fix PHPCS rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
'./tasks/code_sniffer/vendor/bin/phpcbf ' .
'--standard=./tasks/code_sniffer/MailPoet ' .
'--runtime-set testVersion 7.2-8.0 ' .
$filePath . ' -n'
if (substr($filePath, -4) === '.jsx') {
// fix ESLint using ES6 rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
'npx eslint -c .eslintrc.es6.json ' .
'--max-warnings 0 ' .
'--fix ' .
if (substr($filePath, -4) === '.tsx' || substr($filePath, -3) === '.ts') {
// fix ESLint using TS rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
'npx eslint -c .eslintrc.ts.json ' .
'--max-warnings 0 ' .
'--fix ' .
if (substr($filePath, -8) === '.spec.js') {
// fix ESLint using tests rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
'npx eslint -c .eslintrc.tests_newsletter_editor.json ' .
'--max-warnings 0 ' .
'--fix ' .
if (substr($filePath, -3) === '.js') {
// fix ESLint using ES5 rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
'npx eslint -c .eslintrc.es5.json ' .
'--max-warnings 0 ' .
'--fix ' .
public function qaPhpstan(array $opts=['php-version' => null]) {
$dir = __DIR__;
$task = implode(' ', [
'php -d memory_limit=-1',
"$dir/tasks/phpstan/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse ",
if ($opts['php-version'] !== null) {
$task = "ANALYSIS_PHP_VERSION={$opts['php-version']} $task";
// make sure Codeception support files are present to avoid invalid errors when running PHPStan
$this->_exec('vendor/bin/codecept build');
// PHPStan must be run out of main plugin directory to avoid its autoloading
// from vendor/autoload.php where some dev dependencies cause conflicts.
return $this->collectionBuilder()
// temp dir
->taskExec('mkdir -p ' . __DIR__ . '/temp')
->taskExec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/temp/phpstan')
implode(' ', [
->dir(__DIR__ . '/tasks/phpstan')
public function storybookBuild() {
return $this->_exec('npm run build-storybook');
public function storybookWatch() {
return $this->_exec('npm run storybook');
public function svnCheckout() {
$svnDir = ".mp_svn";
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
// Clean up the SVN dir for faster shallow checkout
if (file_exists($svnDir)) {
->exec('rm -rf ' . $svnDir);
return $collection->taskExecStack()
->exec('svn co -N .')
->exec('svn up trunk')
->exec('svn up assets')
public function svnPushTemplates() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$awkCmd = '{print " --force \""$2"\""}';
$xargsFlag = (stripos(PHP_OS, 'Darwin') !== false) ? '' : '-r';
return $collection->taskExecStack()
->exec('cp -R ../plugin_repository/assets/newsletter-templates/* assets/newsletter-templates')
->exec("svn st | grep ^! | awk '$awkCmd' | xargs $xargsFlag svn rm --keep-local")
->exec('svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q')
->exec('svn commit -m "Push Templates for test"')
public function svnPublish(string $version) {
$svnDir = ".mp_svn";
$pluginDistName = 'mailpoet';
$pluginDistFile = $pluginDistName . '.zip';
$this->say('Publishing version: ' . $version);
// Sanity checks
if (!is_readable($pluginDistFile)) {
$this->say("Failed to access " . $pluginDistFile);
} elseif (!file_exists($svnDir . "/.svn/")) {
$this->say("$svnDir/.svn/ dir not found, is it a SVN repository?");
} elseif (file_exists($svnDir . "/tags/" . $version)) {
$this->say("A SVN tag already exists: " . $version);
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
// Clean up tmp dirs if the previous run was halted
if (file_exists("$svnDir/trunk_new") || file_exists("$svnDir/trunk_old")) {
->remove(["$svnDir/trunk_new", "$svnDir/trunk_old"]);
// Extract the distributable zip to tmp trunk dir
// Rename current trunk
if (file_exists("$svnDir/trunk")) {
->rename("$svnDir/trunk", "$svnDir/trunk_old");
// Replace old trunk with a new one
->rename("$svnDir/trunk_new", "$svnDir/trunk")
// Add new repository assets
->mirror('./plugin_repository/assets', "$svnDir/assets_new");
// Rename current assets folder
if (file_exists("$svnDir/assets")) {
->rename("$svnDir/assets", "$svnDir/assets_old");
// Replace old assets with new ones
->rename("$svnDir/assets_new", "$svnDir/assets")
// Windows compatibility
$awkCmd = '{print " --force \""$2"\""}';
// Mac OS X compatibility
$xargsFlag = (stripos(PHP_OS, 'Darwin') !== false) ? '' : '-r';
// Set SVN repo as working directory
// Remove files from SVN repo that have already been removed locally
->exec("svn st | grep ^! | awk '$awkCmd' | xargs $xargsFlag svn rm --keep-local")
// Recursively add files to SVN that haven't been added yet
->exec("svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q");
$result = $collection->run();
if ($result->wasSuccessful()) {
$repoUrl = "$pluginDistName";
$releaseCmd = "svn ci -m \"Release $version\"";
$tagCmd = "svn copy $repoUrl/trunk $repoUrl/tags/$version -m \"Tag $version\"";
$svnLogin = getenv('WP_SVN_USERNAME');
$svnPassword = getenv('WP_SVN_PASSWORD');
if ($svnLogin && $svnPassword) {
$releaseCmd .= " --username $svnLogin --password \"$svnPassword\"";
$tagCmd .= " --username $svnLogin --password \"$svnPassword\"";
} else {
$releaseCmd .= ' --force-interactive';
$tagCmd .= ' --force-interactive';
$result = $this->taskExecStack()
return $result;
public function testAcceptanceGroupTests() {
return $this->taskSplitTestFilesByGroups(16)
public function releasePrepare($version = null) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionAssign($version, ['return' => true]);
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseCheckIssues($version);
->addCode(function () {
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseVersionWrite($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseChangelogWrite($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
public function releaseCheckIssues($version = null) {
$jira = $this->createJiraController();
$version = $jira->getVersion($this->releaseVersionGetNext($version));
$issues = $jira->getIssuesDataForVersion($version);
$pullRequestsId = \MailPoetTasks\Release\JiraController::PULL_REQUESTS_ID;
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
if (strpos($issue['fields'][$pullRequestsId], 'state=OPEN') !== false) {
$key = $issue['key'];
$this->yell("Some pull request associated to task {$key} is not merged yet!", 40, 'red');
public function releasePrepareGit() {
// make sure working directory is clean
$gitStatus = $this->taskGitStack()
->exec('git status --porcelain')
if (strlen(trim($gitStatus->getMessage())) > 0) {
$this->yell('Please make sure your working directory is clean before running release.', 40, 'red');
// checkout master and pull from remote
->exec('git pull --ff-only')
// make sure release branch doesn't exist on github
$releaseBranchStatus = $this->taskGitStack()
->exec('git ls-remote --heads release')
if (strlen(trim($releaseBranchStatus->getMessage())) > 0) {
$this->yell('Delete old release branch before running release.', 40, 'red');
// check if local branch with name "release" exists
$gitStatus = $this->taskGitStack()
->exec('git rev-parse --verify release')
if ($gitStatus->wasSuccessful()) {
// delete local "release" branch
->exec('git branch -D release')
// create a new "release" branch and switch to it.
->exec('git checkout -b release')
public function releaseCreatePullRequest($version) {
->commit('Release ' . $version)
->exec('git push --set-upstream release')
* This is part of release prepare script. It imports translations from Transifex to the translations system
* @param string $version
public function translationsPrepareLanguagePacks($version) {
$translations = new \MailPoetTasks\Release\TranslationsController();
$result = $translations->importTransifex($version);
if (!$result['success']) {
$this->yell($result['data'], 40, 'red');
$this->say('Translations ' . $result['data']);
* This is part of release publish script. It checks if translations are ready at translations system
* @param string $version
public function translationsCheckLanguagePacks($version) {
$translations = new \MailPoetTasks\Release\TranslationsController();
$result = $translations->checkIfTranslationsAreReady($version);
if (!$result['success']) {
$this->yell('Translations are not ready yet on ' . $result['data'], 40, 'red');
$this->say('Translations check passed');
public function releasePublish($version = null) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionGetPrepared($version);
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseCheckPullRequest($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->translationsCheckLanguagePacks($version);
->addCode(function () {
return $this->releaseDownloadZip();
->addCode(function () {
return $this->translationsBuild();
->addCode(function () {
return $this->translationsPush();
->addCode(function () {
return $this->svnCheckout();
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->svnPublish($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releasePublishGithub($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releasePublishJira($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releasePublishSlack($version);
public function releaseCheckPullRequest($version) {
public function releaseVersionGetNext($version = null) {
if (!$version) {
$version = $this->getReleaseVersionController()
return $version;
public function releaseVersionGetPrepared($version = null) {
if (!$version) {
$version = $this->getReleaseVersionController()
return $version;
public function releaseVersionAssign($version = null, $opts = []) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionGetNext($version);
try {
list($version, $output) = $this->getReleaseVersionController()
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->yell($e->getMessage(), 40, 'red');
if (!empty($opts['return'])) {
return $version;
public function releaseVersionWrite($version) {
$version = trim($version);
$this->taskReplaceInFile(__DIR__ . '/readme.txt')
->regex('/Stable tag:\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+/i')
->to('Stable tag: ' . $version)
$this->taskReplaceInFile(__DIR__ . '/mailpoet.php')
->to('Version: ' . $version)
$this->taskReplaceInFile(__DIR__ . '/mailpoet.php')
->to(sprintf("'version' => '%s',", $version))
public function releaseChangelogGet($version = null) {
$outputs = $this->getChangelogController()->get($version);
$this->say("Changelog \n{$outputs[0]} \n{$outputs[1]}\n");
$this->say("IMPORTANT NOTES \n" . ($outputs[2] ?: 'none'));
public function releaseChangelogWrite($version = null) {
$this->say("Updating changelog");
$outputs = $this->getChangelogController()->update($version);
$this->say("Changelog \n{$outputs[0]} \n{$outputs[1]}\n\n");
$this->say("IMPORTANT NOTES \n" . ($outputs[2] ?: 'none'));
public function releaseDownloadZip() {
$circleciController = $this->createCircleCiController();
$path = $circleciController->downloadLatestBuild(self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH);
$this->say('Release ZIP downloaded to: ' . $path);
$this->say(sprintf('Release ZIP file size: %.2F MB', filesize($path) / pow(1024, 2)));
public function releasePublishGithub($version = null) {
$jiraController = $this->createJiraController();
$version = $jiraController->getVersion($version);
$changelog = $this->getChangelogController()->get($version['name']);
$githubController = $this->createGitHubController();
$githubController->publishRelease($version['name'], $changelog[1], self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH);
$this->say("Release '$version[name]' was published to GitHub.");
public function releasePublishJira($version = null) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionGetPrepared($version);
$jiraController = $this->createJiraController();
$jiraVersion = $jiraController->releaseVersion($version);
$this->say("JIRA version '$jiraVersion[name]' was released.");
public function releasePublishSlack($version = null) {
$jiraController = $this->createJiraController();
$version = $jiraController->getVersion($version);
$changelog = $this->getChangelogController()->get($version['name']);
$slackNotifier = $this->createSlackNotifier();
$slackNotifier->notify($version['name'], $changelog[1], $version['id']);
$this->say("Release '$version[name]' info was published on Slack.");
public function downloadWooCommerceSubscriptionsZip($tag = null) {
if (!getenv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME') && !getenv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN')) {
$this->yell("Skipping download of WooCommerce Subscriptions", 40, 'red');
exit(0); // Exit with 0 since it is a valid state for some environments
->downloadReleaseZip('', __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/', $tag);
public function downloadWooCommerceZip($tag = null) {
->downloadReleaseZip('', __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/', $tag);
public function generateData($generatorName = null, $threads = 1) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tests/DataGenerator/_bootstrap.php';
$generator = new \MailPoet\Test\DataGenerator\DataGenerator(new \Codeception\Lib\Console\Output([]));
if ((int)$threads === 1) {
} else {
$parallelTask = $this->taskParallelExec();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $threads; $i++) {
$parallelTask = $parallelTask->process("./do generate:unit-of-data $generatorName");
* This is intended only for usage as a child process in parallel execution
* @param string|null $generatorName
public function generateUnitOfData($generatorName = null) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tests/DataGenerator/_bootstrap.php';
$generator = new \MailPoet\Test\DataGenerator\DataGenerator(new \Codeception\Lib\Console\Output([]));
protected function rsearch($folder, $extensions = []) {
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir);
$pattern = '/^.+\.(' . join('|', $extensions) . ')$/i';
$files = new RegexIterator(
$list = [];
foreach ($files as $file) {
$list[] = $file[0];
return $list;
protected function validateVersion($version) {
if (!\MailPoetTasks\Release\VersionHelper::validateVersion($version)) {
$this->yell('Incorrect version format', 40, 'red');
protected function getChangelogController() {
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\ChangelogController(
__DIR__ . '/readme.txt'
protected function getReleaseVersionController() {
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\ReleaseVersionController(
protected function createJiraController() {
$help = 'Use your JIRA username and a token from';
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\JiraController(
$this->getEnv('WP_JIRA_TOKEN', $help),
$this->getEnv('WP_JIRA_USER', $help),
protected function createCircleCiController() {
$help = "Use 'mailpoet' username and a token from";
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\CircleCiController(
$this->getEnv('WP_CIRCLECI_USERNAME', $help),
$this->getEnv('WP_CIRCLECI_TOKEN', $help),
protected function createGitHubController() {
$help = "Use your GitHub username and a token from with 'repo' scopes.";
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\GitHubController(
$this->getEnv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME', $help),
$this->getEnv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN', $help),
protected function createSlackNotifier() {
$help = 'Use Webhook URL from';
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\SlackNotifier(
$this->getEnv('WP_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL', $help),
protected function getEnv($name, $help = null) {
$env = getenv($name);
if ($env === false || $env === '') {
$this->yell("Environment variable '$name' was not set.", 40, 'red');
if ($help !== null) {
return $env;
private function execWithXDebug($command) {
$phpConfig = new \Composer\XdebugHandler\PhpConfig();
// exec command in subprocess with original settings
passthru($command, $exitCode);
return $exitCode;
private function createGithubClient($repositoryName) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tasks/GithubClient.php';
return new \MailPoetTasks\GithubClient(
getenv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME') ?: null,
getenv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN') ?: null
private function createDoctrineEntityManager() {
define('ABSPATH', getenv('WP_ROOT') . '/');
if (\MailPoet\Config\Env::$dbPrefix === null) {
\MailPoet\Config\Env::$dbPrefix = ''; // ensure some prefix is set
$annotationReaderProvider = new \MailPoet\Doctrine\Annotations\AnnotationReaderProvider();
$configuration = (new \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConfigurationFactory($annotationReaderProvider, true))->createConfiguration();
$platformClass = \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConnectionFactory::PLATFORM_CLASS;
return \MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create([
'driver' => \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConnectionFactory::DRIVER,
'platform' => new $platformClass,
], $configuration);