David Remer 0a3d49c0cd Apply non-implicit nullables rule
2025-03-06 10:40:17 +01:00

1697 lines
59 KiB

<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MissingNamespace
use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader as TwigFileSystem;
use Robo\Symfony\ConsoleIO;
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
const ZIP_BUILD_PATH = __DIR__ . '/mailpoet.zip';
public function __construct() {
// disable xdebug to avoid slowing down command execution
$xdebugHandler = new \Composer\XdebugHandler\XdebugHandler('mailpoet');
$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createUnsafeImmutable(__DIR__);
public function install() {
return $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('./tools/vendor/composer.phar install')
->exec('cd ../packages/php/email-editor && ../../../mailpoet/tools/vendor/composer.phar install && cd -')
->exec('cd .. && pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --prefer-offline')
->addCode([$this, 'cleanupCachedFiles'])
public function installPhp() {
return $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('./tools/vendor/composer.phar install')
->exec('cd ../packages/php/email-editor && ../../../mailpoet/tools/vendor/composer.phar install && cd -')
->addCode([$this, 'cleanupCachedFiles'])
public function installJs() {
return $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('cd .. && pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --prefer-offline')
public function cleanupCachedFiles() {
$this->say('Cleaning up generated folder.');
$this->_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/generated/*');
$this->say('Cleaning up PHPStan cache.');
$this->_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/temp/*');
$this->say('Cleaning up old testing plugins.');
$this->_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/*');
public function update() {
return $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('./tools/vendor/composer.phar update')
->exec('pnpm update')
public function updateJsPackages($opts = ['ticket' => '', 'latest' => true, 'checks' => false, 'dedupe' => false]) {
$ticket = $opts['ticket'];
$latest = $opts['latest'];
$runChecks = $opts['checks'];
$runDedupe = $opts['dedupe'];
if (empty($ticket)) {
$this->say('Please specify a ticket with --ticket=<ticket>');
$outdatedPackagesOutput = $this->taskExec('pnpm outdated --no-table')
$lines = explode("\n", $outdatedPackagesOutput);
// The package names themselves are every third line
$outdatedPackages = array_filter($lines, function($key) {
return $key % 3 === 0;
$excludePackages = [
'react-router-dom', // MAILPOET-3911
'codemirror', // MAILPOET-5483
'babel-loader', // MAILPOET-5491
'stylelint', // MAILPOET-5462
'backbone', // Will remove with new email editor
'backbone.marionette', // Will remove with new email editor
$majorVersionChanges = [];
foreach ($outdatedPackages as $packageName) {
// @wordpress packages should be handled all together
if (strpos($packageName, '@wordpress') !== false) {
// @types should be kept in sync with the major version of the dependency and will be easiest to update after
if (strpos($packageName, '@types') !== false) {
$packageName = str_replace(' (dev)', '', $packageName);
if (in_array($packageName, $excludePackages)) {
$this->say("Skipping $packageName");
$this->say("Updating $packageName");
$oldVersion = $this->getCurrentJsPackageVersion($packageName);
$oldMajorVersion = explode('.', $oldVersion)[0];
if ($latest) {
$this->taskExec("pnpm up -L $packageName")->run();
} else {
$this->taskExec("pnpm up $packageName")->run();
if ($this->taskExec("pnpm list $packageName")->run()->wasSuccessful()) {
$newVersion = $this->getCurrentJsPackageVersion($packageName);
if ($newVersion === $oldVersion) {
if ($runChecks) {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
->addCode([$this, 'installJs'])
->addCode([$this, 'compileJs'])
->addCode([$this, 'compileCss'])
->addCode([$this, 'qaFrontendAssets'])
$newMajorVersion = explode('.', $newVersion)[0];
->exec("git add ./package.json")
->exec('git add ../pnpm-lock.yaml')
->exec("git commit --no-verify -m \"Update $packageName from $oldVersion to $newVersion\" -m \"\" -m \"$ticket\"")
if ($oldMajorVersion !== $newMajorVersion) {
$majorVersionChanges[] = $packageName;
} else {
$this->say("Update of $packageName failed. Exiting.");
if ($runDedupe) {
->exec('pnpm dedupe')
->exec('git add ../pnpm-lock.yaml')
->exec("git commit --no-verify -m \"Update lock file after pnpm dedupe\" -m \"\" -m \"$ticket\"")
if (count($majorVersionChanges) > 0) {
$this->say(sprintf("The following packages changed major version: %s. Check to see if any of them need to have their @types updated.", implode(', ', $majorVersionChanges)));
public function watchCss() {
$cssFiles = $this->rsearch('assets/css/src/', ['scss']);
->monitor($cssFiles, function($changedFile) {
$file = $changedFile->getResource()->getResource();
->exec('pnpm run scss')
->exec('pnpm run autoprefixer')
public function watchJs() {
$this->_exec('./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --watch');
public function compileAll($opts = ['env' => null, 'skip-tests' => false, 'only-tests' => false]) {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode(function() use ($opts) {
return call_user_func([$this, 'compileJs'], $opts);
$collection->addCode(function() use ($opts) {
return call_user_func([$this, 'compileCss'], $opts);
return $collection->run();
public function compileJs($opts = ['env' => null, 'skip-tests' => false, 'only-tests' => false]) {
if (!is_dir('assets/dist/js')) {
mkdir('assets/dist/js', 0777, true);
if (!$opts['only-tests']) {
$this->_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/assets/dist/js/*');
$env = ($opts['env']) ?
sprintf('./node_modules/.bin/cross-env NODE_ENV="%s"', $opts['env']) :
return $this->_exec($env . ' ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --env BUILD_TESTS=' . ($opts['skip-tests'] ? 'skip' : 'build') . ' --env BUILD_ONLY_TESTS=' . ($opts['only-tests'] ? 'true' : 'false'));
public function compileCss($opts = ['env' => null]) {
if (!is_dir('assets/dist/css')) {
mkdir('assets/dist/css', 0777, true);
// Clean up folder from previous files
array_map('unlink', glob("assets/dist/css/*.*"));
$compilationResult = $this->taskExecStack()
->exec('pnpm run stylelint-check -- "assets/css/src/**/*.scss"')
->exec('pnpm run scss' . ($opts['env'] === 'production' ? ' --no-source-map' : ''))
->exec('pnpm run autoprefixer')
// Create manifest file
$manifest = [];
foreach (glob('assets/dist/css/*.css') as $style) {
// Hash and rename styles if production environment
if ($opts['env'] === 'production') {
$hashedStyle = sprintf(
substr(md5_file($style), 0, 8)
$manifest[basename($style)] = $hashedStyle;
rename($style, str_replace(basename($style), $hashedStyle, $style));
} else {
$manifest[basename($style)] = basename($style);
file_put_contents('assets/dist/css/manifest.json', json_encode($manifest, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
return $compilationResult;
public function translationsBuild() {
$exclude = implode(',', [
$headers = escapeshellarg(
'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To' => 'http://support.mailpoet.com/',
'Last-Translator' => 'MailPoet i18n (https://www.transifex.com/organization/wysija)',
'Language-Team' => 'MailPoet i18n <https://www.transifex.com/organization/wysija>',
'Plural-Forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);',
->taskExec('mkdir -p ' . __DIR__ . '/lang')
->taskExec("php -d memory_limit=-1 tasks/makepot/makepot-views.php . > lang/mailpoet.pot")
->taskExec("php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/boot-fs.php i18n make-pot --merge --slug=mailpoet --domain=mailpoet --exclude=$exclude --headers=$headers . lang/mailpoet.pot")
public function translationsGetPotFileFromBuild() {
$potFilePathInsideZip = 'mailpoet/lang/mailpoet.pot';
$potFilePath = 'lang/mailpoet.pot';
if (!is_file(self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH)) {
$this->yell('mailpoet.zip file is missing. You must first download it using `./do release:download-zip`.', 40, 'red');
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/lang')) {
$this->taskExec('mkdir -p ' . __DIR__ . '/lang')->run();
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open(self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH) === true) {
$potFileContent = $zip->getFromName($potFilePathInsideZip);
if ($potFileContent) {
file_put_contents($potFilePath, $potFileContent);
$this->say('mailpoet.pot extracted from the zip file to ' . $potFilePath);
} else {
$this->yell('Unable to find mailpoet.pot inside the zip file.', 40, 'red');
} else {
$this->yell('Unable to open the zip file.', 40, 'red');
public function translationsPush() {
$token = getenv($tokenEnvName);
if (!$token) {
throw new \Exception("Please provide '$tokenEnvName' environment variable");
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->taskExec('php ' . __DIR__ . '/tools/transifex.php push -s')
->env('TX_TOKEN', $token)
public function testUnit(array $opts = ['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => false, 'debug' => false]) {
$command = '../tests_env/vendor/bin/codecept run unit';
if ($opts['file']) {
$command .= ' -f ' . $opts['file'];
if ($opts['xml']) {
$command .= ' --xml';
if ($opts['debug']) {
$command .= ' --debug';
return $this->_exec($command);
public function testIntegration(array $opts = ['file' => null, 'group' => null, 'skip-group' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => false, 'debug' => false, 'skip-deps' => false, 'skip-plugins' => false, 'disable-hpos' => false, 'enable-hpos-sync' => false, 'enable-hpos' => false, 'stop-on-fail' => false, 'wordpress-version' => null]) {
return $this->runTestsInContainer(array_merge($opts, ['test_type' => 'integration']));
public function testMultisiteIntegration($opts = ['file' => null, 'group' => null, 'skip-group' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => true, 'skip-deps' => false, 'skip-plugins' => false, 'disable-hpos' => false, 'enable-hpos-sync' => false, 'enable-hpos' => false]) {
return $this->runTestsInContainer(array_merge($opts, ['test_type' => 'integration']));
public function testWooIntegration(array $opts = ['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => false, 'debug' => false, 'disable-hpos' => false, 'enable-hpos-sync' => false, 'enable-hpos' => false]) {
return $this->runTestsInContainer(array_merge($opts, ['test_type' => 'integration', 'group' => 'woo', 'skip-deps' => true, 'skip-plugins' => false]));
public function testBaseIntegration(array $opts = ['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'multisite' => false, 'debug' => false]) {
return $this->runTestsInContainer(array_merge($opts, ['test_type' => 'integration', 'skip-group' => 'woo', 'skip-deps' => true, 'skip-plugins' => true]));
public function testNewsletterEditor($xmlOutputFile = null) {
$command = join(' ', [
'-r tests/javascript-newsletter-editor/mocha-test-helper.js',
'-r tests/javascript-newsletter-editor/mocha-chai.mjs',
if (!empty($xmlOutputFile)) {
$command .= sprintf(
' --reporter xunit --reporter-options output="%s"',
return $this->taskExec($command)
public function testJavascript($xmlOutputFile = null) {
$command = './node_modules/.bin/mocha --recursive --require tests/javascript/mocha-env.mjs tests/javascript --extension spec.ts';
if (!empty($xmlOutputFile)) {
$command .= sprintf(
' --reporter xunit --reporter-options output="%s"',
return $this->_exec($command);
public function testDebugUnit($opts = ['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'debug' => true]) {
return $this->testUnit($opts);
public function testDebugIntegration($opts = ['file' => null, 'xml' => false, 'debug' => true]) {
return $this->testIntegration($opts);
public function testAcceptance($opts = ['file' => null, 'skip-deps' => false, 'group' => null, 'timeout' => null, 'disable-hpos' => false, 'enable-hpos-sync' => false, 'enable-hpos' => false, 'wordpress-version' => null, 'skip-plugins' => false]) {
return $this->runTestsInContainer($opts);
public function testPerformance($path = null, $opts = ['url' => null, 'us' => null, 'pw' => null, 'head' => false, 'scenario' => null]) {
$dir = __DIR__;
if ((getenv('K6_CLOUD_TOKEN')) === false) {
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode([$this, 'testPerformanceSetup'])
->taskExec("php $dir/tools/k6.php")
->option('env', 'K6_BROWSER_ENABLED=1')
->option('env', 'URL=' . $opts['url'])
->option('env', 'US=' . $opts['us'])
->option('env', 'PW=' . $opts['pw'])
->option('env', 'K6_BROWSER_HEADLESS=' . ($opts['head'] ? 'false' : 'true'))
->option('env', 'K6_BROWSER_TIMEOUT=' . getenv('K6_BROWSER_TIMEOUT'))
->option('env', 'SCENARIO=' . $opts['scenario'])
->arg($path ?? "$dir/tests/performance/scenarios.js")
} else {
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode([$this, 'testPerformanceSetup'])
->taskExec("php $dir/tools/k6.php")
->option('env', 'K6_BROWSER_ENABLED=1')
->option('env', 'URL=' . $opts['url'])
->option('env', 'US=' . $opts['us'])
->option('env', 'PW=' . $opts['pw'])
->option('env', 'HEADLESS=' . ($opts['head'] ? 'false' : 'true'))
->option('env', 'SCENARIO=' . $opts['scenario'])
->option('env', 'K6_CLOUD_TOKEN=' . getenv('K6_CLOUD_TOKEN'))
->option('env', 'K6_CLOUD_ID=' . getenv('K6_CLOUD_ID'))
->option('env', 'K6_BROWSER_TIMEOUT=' . getenv('K6_BROWSER_TIMEOUT'))
->option('env', 'K6_PROJECT_NAME=' . $opts['scenario'])
->option('out', 'cloud')
->arg($path ?? "$dir/tests/performance/scenarios.js")
public function testPerformanceSetup() {
// get data file URL
if (!$url) {
$this->yell("Please set 'WP_TEST_PERFORMANCE_DATA_URL'. You'll find it in the secret store.", 40, 'red');
// download data
$dataFile = __DIR__ . '/tests/performance/_data/data.sql';
if (!file_exists($dataFile)) {
$this->say('Downloading data file...');
if (!is_dir(dirname($dataFile))) {
mkdir(dirname($dataFile), 0777, true);
$source = gzopen($url, 'rb');
$destination = fopen($dataFile, 'wb');
while (!gzeof($source)) {
fwrite($destination, gzread($source, 4096));
$this->say("Data file downloaded to: $dataFile");
} else {
$this->say("Data file already exists: $dataFile");
// import data & run WordPress setup
$this->say('Importing data and running a WordPress setup...');
$this->taskExec('COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=200 docker compose run --rm -it setup')
->dir(__DIR__ . '/tests/performance')
$this->say('Data imported, WordPress set up.');
public function testPerformanceClean() {
$this->taskExec('COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=200 docker compose down --remove-orphans -v')
->dir(__DIR__ . '/tests/performance')
public function testAcceptanceMultisite($opts = ['file' => null, 'skip-deps' => false, 'group' => null, 'timeout' => null, 'disable-hpos' => false, 'enable-hpos-sync' => false, 'enable-hpos' => false]) {
return $this->runTestsInContainer(array_merge($opts, ['multisite' => true]));
* Deletes docker stuff related to tests including docker images.
public function deleteDocker() {
return $this->taskExec(
'docker compose down -v --remove-orphans --rmi all'
)->dir(__DIR__ . '/../tests_env/docker')->run();
* Deletes docker containers and volumes used in tests
public function resetTestDocker() {
return $this
'docker compose down -v --remove-orphans'
)->dir(__DIR__ . '/../tests_env/docker')
->addCode([$this, 'cleanupCachedFiles'])
public function testFailedUnit() {
$this->_exec('../tests_env/vendor/bin/codecept build');
return $this->_exec('../tests_env/vendor/bin/codecept run unit -g failed');
public function testFailedIntegration() {
$this->_exec('../tests_env/vendor/bin/codecept build');
return $this->_exec('../tests_env/vendor/bin/codecept run integration -g failed');
public function containerDump() {
define('ABSPATH', getenv('WP_ROOT') . '/');
if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php')) {
$this->yell('WP_ROOT env variable does not contain valid path to wordpress root.', 40, 'red');
$configurator = new \MailPoet\DI\ContainerConfigurator();
$dumpFile = __DIR__ . '/generated/' . $configurator->getDumpClassname() . '.php';
$this->say('Deleting DI Container');
$this->_exec("rm -f $dumpFile");
$this->say('Generating DI container cache');
$containerFactory = new \MailPoet\DI\ContainerFactory($configurator);
$container = $containerFactory->getConfiguredContainer();
$dumper = new \MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper\PhpDumper($container);
'class' => $configurator->getDumpClassname(),
'namespace' => $configurator->getDumpNamespace(),
public function doctrineGenerateCache() {
$doctrineMetadataDir = \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConfigurationFactory::METADATA_DIR;
$validatorMetadataDir = \MailPoet\Doctrine\Validator\ValidatorFactory::METADATA_DIR;
$proxyDir = \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConfigurationFactory::PROXY_DIR;
// Cleanup
$this->_exec("rm -rf $doctrineMetadataDir");
$this->_exec("rm -rf $validatorMetadataDir");
$this->_exec("rm -rf $proxyDir");
// Metadata
$entityManager = $this->createDoctrineEntityManager();
$doctrineMetadata = $entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$this->say("Doctrine metadata generated to: $doctrineMetadataDir");
// Proxies
$this->say("Doctrine proxies generated to: $proxyDir");
// Validator
$annotationReaderProvider = new \MailPoet\Doctrine\Annotations\AnnotationReaderProvider();
$validatorFactory = new \MailPoet\Doctrine\Validator\ValidatorFactory($annotationReaderProvider);
$validator = $validatorFactory->createValidator();
foreach ($doctrineMetadata as $metadata) {
require_once $proxyDir . '/__CG__' . str_replace('\\', '', $metadata->getName()) . '.php';
$validator->getMetadataFor("MailPoetDoctrineProxies\__CG__\\" . $metadata->getName());
$this->say("Validator metadata generated to: $validatorMetadataDir");
* Creates a new migration file. Use `migrations:new db` for a db level migration or `migrations:new app` for app level migration.
* @param $level string - db or app
public function migrationsNew($level) {
$generator = new \MailPoet\Migrator\Repository();
$level = strtolower($level);
$result = $generator->create($level);
$path = realpath($result['path']);
$this->output->writeln('MAILPOET DATABASE MIGRATIONS');
$this->output->writeln("New migration created ✔\n");
$this->output->writeln(" Name: {$result['name']}");
$this->output->writeln(" Path: $path");
public function migrationsStatus() {
return $this->taskExec('vendor/bin/wp mailpoet:migrations:status');
public function migrationsRun() {
return $this->taskExec('vendor/bin/wp mailpoet:migrations:run');
public function qa() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaPhp']);
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaFrontendAssets']);
return $collection->run();
public function qaPrettierCheck() {
return $this->taskExec('npx prettier --check .')->dir(dirname(__DIR__));
public function qaPrettierWrite() {
return $this->taskExec('npx prettier --write .')->dir(dirname(__DIR__));
public function qaPhp() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLint']);
$collection->addCode(function() {
return $this->qaCodeSniffer([]);
return $collection->run();
public function qaPhpMaxWPOrg() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLintBuild']);
return $collection->run();
public function qaFrontendAssets() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLintJavascript']);
$collection->addCode([$this, 'qaLintCss']);
return $collection->run();
public function qaLint() {
return $this->_exec('./tasks/code_sniffer/vendor/bin/parallel-lint lib/ tests/ mailpoet.php');
public function qaLintBuild() {
$task = './tasks/code_sniffer/vendor/bin/parallel-lint';
$filesToCheckString = implode(' ', [
// The list of files and folders to exclude is coming from build.sh
$filesToExcludeString = '--exclude ' . implode(' --exclude ', [
return $this
->rawArg(implode(' ', [$filesToExcludeString, $filesToCheckString]))
public function qaLintJavascript() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
return $collection->taskExecStack()
->exec('pnpm run check-types && pnpm run lint')
->exec('cd .. && cd packages/js/email-editor && pnpm run check-types && pnpm run lint:js')
public function qaLintCss() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
return $collection->taskExecStack()
->exec('pnpm run stylelint-check -- "assets/css/src/**/*.scss"')
->exec('cd .. && cd packages/js/email-editor && pnpm run lint:css')
public function qaCodeSniffer(array $filesToCheck, $opts = ['severity' => 'all']) {
$severityFlag = $opts['severity'] === 'all' ? '-w' : '-n';
$task = implode(' ', [
'php -d memory_limit=-1',
"--parallel=" . $this->getParallelism(),
$ignorePaths = [
// the "--ignore" arg takes a list of regexes, we need to anchor and escape them
$ignorePatterns = array_map(function (string $path): string {
return '^' . preg_quote(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path);
}, $ignorePaths);
$stringFilesToCheck = !empty($filesToCheck) ? implode(' ', $filesToCheck) : '.';
return $this->taskExec($task)
->arg('--ignore=' . implode(',', $ignorePatterns))
public function qaFixFile($filePath) {
$extension = pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($extension === 'php') {
// fix PHPCS rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
'./tasks/code_sniffer/vendor/bin/phpcbf ' .
'--standard=tasks/code_sniffer/MailPoet/free-ruleset.xml ' .
'--runtime-set testVersion 7.4-8.2 ' .
$filePath . ' -n'
if (in_array($extension, ['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx'], true)) {
// fix ESLint rules
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->taskExec("pnpm eslint --max-warnings 0 --fix $filePath")
public function qaPhpstan(array $opts = ['php-version' => null]) {
$dir = __DIR__;
$task = implode(' ', [
'php -d memory_limit=-1',
"$dir/tasks/phpstan/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse ",
if ($opts['php-version'] !== null) {
$task = "ANALYSIS_PHP_VERSION={$opts['php-version']} $task";
// make sure Codeception support files are present to avoid invalid errors when running PHPStan
$this->_exec('../tests_env/vendor/bin/codecept build');
// PHPStan must be run out of main plugin directory to avoid its autoloading
// from vendor/autoload.php where some dev dependencies cause conflicts.
return $this->collectionBuilder()
implode(' ', [
->dir(__DIR__ . '/tasks/phpstan')
public function qaSemgrep() {
return $this->_exec('./tools/semgrep.sh lib/ lib-3rd-party/');
public function qaQitSecurity() {
return $this->_exec('./vendor/bin/qit run:security mailpoet --zip=mailpoet.zip --wait');
public function qaQitMalware() {
return $this->_exec('./vendor/bin/qit run:malware mailpoet --zip=mailpoet.zip --wait');
public function qaQitPhpCompatibility() {
return $this->_exec('./vendor/bin/qit run:phpcompatibility mailpoet --zip=mailpoet.zip --wait');
public function qaQitActivation($opts = ['wp' => 'stable', 'wc' => 'stable']) {
$command = './vendor/bin/qit run:activation mailpoet --zip=mailpoet.zip --wait';
if ($opts['wp']) {
$command .= ' --wordpress_version=' . $opts['wp'];
if ($opts['wc']) {
$command .= ' --woocommerce_version=' . $opts['wc'];
return $this->_exec($command);
public function qaQitWooApi($opts = ['wp' => 'stable', 'wc' => 'stable']) {
$command = './vendor/bin/qit run:woo-api mailpoet --zip=mailpoet.zip --wait';
if ($opts['wp']) {
$command .= ' --wordpress_version=' . $opts['wp'];
if ($opts['wc']) {
$command .= ' --woocommerce_version=' . $opts['wc'];
return $this->_exec($command);
public function qaQitWooE2e($opts = ['wp' => 'stable', 'wc' => 'stable']) {
$command = './vendor/bin/qit run:woo-e2e mailpoet --zip=mailpoet.zip --wait';
if ($opts['wp']) {
$command .= ' --wordpress_version=' . $opts['wp'];
if ($opts['wc']) {
$command .= ' --woocommerce_version=' . $opts['wc'];
return $this->_exec($command);
public function svnCheckout() {
$svnDir = ".mp_svn";
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
// Clean up the SVN dir for faster shallow checkout
if (file_exists($svnDir)) {
->exec('rm -rf ' . $svnDir);
return $collection->taskExecStack()
->exec('svn co https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/mailpoet/ -N .')
->exec('svn up trunk')
->exec('svn up assets')
public function svnPushTemplates() {
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
$awkCmd = '{print " --force \""$2"\""}';
$xargsFlag = (stripos(PHP_OS, 'Darwin') !== false) ? '' : '-r';
return $collection->taskExecStack()
->exec('cp -R ../plugin_repository/assets/newsletter-templates/* assets/newsletter-templates')
->exec("svn st | grep ^! | awk '$awkCmd' | xargs $xargsFlag svn rm --keep-local")
->exec('svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q')
->exec('svn commit -m "Push Templates for test"')
public function svnPublish(string $version) {
$svnDir = ".mp_svn";
$pluginDistName = 'mailpoet';
$pluginDistFile = $pluginDistName . '.zip';
$this->say('Publishing version: ' . $version);
// Sanity checks
if (!is_readable($pluginDistFile)) {
$this->say("Failed to access " . $pluginDistFile);
} elseif (!file_exists($svnDir . "/.svn/")) {
$this->say("$svnDir/.svn/ dir not found, is it a SVN repository?");
} elseif (file_exists($svnDir . "/tags/" . $version)) {
$this->say("A SVN tag already exists: " . $version);
$collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
// Clean up tmp dirs if the previous run was halted
if (file_exists("$svnDir/trunk_new") || file_exists("$svnDir/trunk_old")) {
->remove(["$svnDir/trunk_new", "$svnDir/trunk_old"]);
// Extract the distributable zip to tmp trunk dir
// Rename current trunk
if (file_exists("$svnDir/trunk")) {
->rename("$svnDir/trunk", "$svnDir/trunk_old");
// Replace old trunk with a new one
->rename("$svnDir/trunk_new", "$svnDir/trunk")
// Add new repository assets
->mirror('./plugin_repository/assets', "$svnDir/assets_new");
// Rename current assets folder
if (file_exists("$svnDir/assets")) {
->rename("$svnDir/assets", "$svnDir/assets_old");
// Replace old assets with new ones
->rename("$svnDir/assets_new", "$svnDir/assets")
// Windows compatibility
$awkCmd = '{print " --force \""$2"\""}';
// Mac OS X compatibility
$xargsFlag = (stripos(PHP_OS, 'Darwin') !== false) ? '' : '-r';
// Set SVN repo as working directory
// Remove files from SVN repo that have already been removed locally
->exec("svn st | grep ^! | awk '$awkCmd' | xargs $xargsFlag svn rm --keep-local")
// Recursively add files to SVN that haven't been added yet
->exec("svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q");
$result = $collection->run();
if ($result->wasSuccessful()) {
$repoUrl = "https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/$pluginDistName";
$releaseCmd = "svn ci -m \"Release $version\"";
$tagCmd = "svn copy $repoUrl/trunk $repoUrl/tags/$version -m \"Tag $version\"";
$svnLogin = getenv('WP_SVN_USERNAME');
$svnPassword = getenv('WP_SVN_PASSWORD');
if ($svnLogin && $svnPassword) {
$releaseCmd .= " --username $svnLogin --password \"$svnPassword\"";
$tagCmd .= " --username $svnLogin --password \"$svnPassword\"";
} else {
$releaseCmd .= ' --force-interactive';
$tagCmd .= ' --force-interactive';
$result = $this->taskExecStack()
return $result;
public function releasePrepare($version = null) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionAssign($version, ['return' => true]);
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseCheckIssues($version);
->addCode(function () {
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseVersionWrite($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseChangelogWrite($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
public function releaseCheckIssues($version = null) {
$jira = $this->createJiraController();
$version = $jira->getVersion($this->releaseVersionGetNext($version));
$issues = $jira->getIssuesDataForVersion($version);
$pullRequestsId = \MailPoetTasks\Release\JiraController::PULL_REQUESTS_ID;
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
if (strpos($issue['fields'][$pullRequestsId], 'state=OPEN') !== false) {
$key = $issue['key'];
$this->yell("Some pull request associated to task {$key} is not merged yet!", 40, 'red');
public function releasePrepareGit() {
// make sure working directory is clean
$gitStatus = $this->taskGitStack()
->exec('git status --porcelain')
if (strlen(trim($gitStatus->getMessage())) > 0) {
$this->yell('Please make sure your working directory is clean before running release.', 40, 'red');
// checkout trunk and pull from remote
->exec('git pull --ff-only')
// make sure release branch doesn't exist on github
$releaseBranchStatus = $this->taskGitStack()
->exec('git ls-remote --heads git@github.com:mailpoet/mailpoet.git release')
if (strlen(trim($releaseBranchStatus->getMessage())) > 0) {
$this->yell('Delete old release branch before running release.', 40, 'red');
// check if local branch with name "release" exists
$gitStatus = $this->taskGitStack()
->exec('git rev-parse --verify release')
if ($gitStatus->wasSuccessful()) {
// delete local "release" branch
->exec('git branch -D release')
// create a new "release" branch and switch to it.
->exec('git checkout -b release')
public function releaseCreatePullRequest($version) {
->commit('Release ' . $version)
->exec('git push --set-upstream git@github.com:mailpoet/mailpoet.git release')
* This is part of release prepare script. It imports translations from Transifex to the Wordpress.com translations system
* @param string $version
public function translationsPrepareLanguagePacks($version) {
$translations = new \MailPoetTasks\Release\TranslationsController();
$result = $translations->importTransifex($version);
if (!$result['success']) {
$this->yell($result['data'], 40, 'red');
$this->say('Translations ' . $result['data']);
* This is part of release publish script. It checks if translations are ready at Wordpress.com translations system
* @param string $version
public function translationsCheckLanguagePacks($version) {
$translations = new \MailPoetTasks\Release\TranslationsController();
$result = $translations->checkIfTranslationsAreReady($version);
if (!$result['success']) {
$this->yell('Translations are not ready yet on WordPress.com. ' . $result['data'], 40, 'red');
$this->say('Translations check passed');
public function releasePublish($version = null) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionGetPrepared($version);
return $this->collectionBuilder()
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseCheckPullRequest($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->translationsCheckLanguagePacks($version);
->addCode(function () {
return $this->releaseDownloadZip();
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releaseVerifyDownloadedZip($version);
->addCode(function () {
return $this->translationsGetPotFileFromBuild();
->addCode(function () {
return $this->translationsPush();
->addCode(function () {
return $this->svnCheckout();
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->svnPublish($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releasePublishGithub($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releasePublishJira($version);
->addCode(function () use ($version) {
return $this->releasePublishSlack($version);
->addCode(function () {
return $this->releaseMergePullRequest(\MailPoetTasks\Release\GitHubController::RELEASE_SOURCE_BRANCH);
->addCode(function () {
return $this->releaseDeleteDownloadedZip();
public function releaseMergePullRequest(string $branch) {
try {
->mergePullRequest(\MailPoetTasks\Release\CircleCiController::PROJECT_MAILPOET, $branch);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->yell($e->getMessage(), 40, 'red');
$this->say("Pull request for branch: '{$branch}' was successfully merged");
* This command displays how many pull request each person did recently
public function displayReviewers(ConsoleIO $io) {
$freePluginGithubController = $this->createGitHubController();
$logins = $freePluginGithubController->calculateReviewers();
$shopGithubController = $this->createGitHubController(\MailPoetTasks\Release\GitHubController::PROJECT_SHOP);
$loginsShop = $shopGithubController->calculateReviewers();
$printReviewers = function ($logins, $header) use ($io) {
$outputList = [];
foreach ($logins as $login => $num) {
$outputList[] = [$login => $num];
$printReviewers($logins, 'Free plugin');
$printReviewers($loginsShop, 'Shop');
foreach ($loginsShop as $loginShop => $num) {
if (!isset($logins[$loginShop])) {
$logins[$loginShop] = 0;
$logins[$loginShop] += $num;
$printReviewers($logins, 'Full');
public function displayCreatedPullRequests(ConsoleIO $io, int $months = 6) {
$projects = [
$counts = [];
foreach ($projects as $project) {
$githubController = $this->createGitHubController($project);
$countsProject = $githubController->calculatePRcounts($months);
foreach ($countsProject as $login => $num) {
if (!isset($counts[$login])) {
$counts[$login] = 0;
$counts[$login] += $num;
$io->title('Pull Request counts');
$outputList = [];
foreach ($counts as $login => $num) {
$outputList[] = [
round($num / $months, 2),
$io->table(['Login', 'Count', 'Per month'], $outputList);
public function releaseCheckPullRequest($version) {
public function releaseVersionGetNext($version = null) {
if (!$version) {
$version = $this->getReleaseVersionController()
return $version;
public function releaseVersionGetPrepared($version = null) {
if (!$version) {
$version = $this->getReleaseVersionController()
return $version;
public function releaseVersionAssign($version = null, $opts = []) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionGetNext($version);
try {
[$version, $output] = $this->getReleaseVersionController()
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->yell($e->getMessage(), 40, 'red');
if (!empty($opts['return'])) {
return $version;
public function releaseVersionWrite($version) {
$version = trim($version);
$this->taskReplaceInFile(__DIR__ . '/readme.txt')
->regex('/Stable tag:\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+/i')
->to('Stable tag: ' . $version)
$this->taskReplaceInFile(__DIR__ . '/mailpoet.php')
->to('Version: ' . $version)
$this->taskReplaceInFile(__DIR__ . '/mailpoet.php')
->to(sprintf("'version' => '%s',", $version))
public function releaseChangelogGet($version = null) {
$outputs = $this->getChangelogController()->get($version);
$this->say("Changelog \n{$outputs[0]} \n{$outputs[1]}\n");
$this->say("IMPORTANT NOTES \n" . ($outputs[2] ?: 'none'));
public function releaseChangelogWrite($version = null) {
$this->say("Updating changelog");
$outputs = $this->getChangelogController()->update($version);
$this->say("Changelog \n{$outputs[0]} \n{$outputs[1]}\n\n");
$this->say("IMPORTANT NOTES \n" . ($outputs[2] ?: 'none'));
public function releaseVerifyDownloadedZip($version) {
$this->say('Verifying ZIP file');
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$versionFound = false;
if ($zip->open(self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH) === true) {
$fileContent = $zip->getFromName('mailpoet/readme.txt');
if ($fileContent !== false) {
$versionFound = strpos($fileContent, 'Stable tag: ' . $version);
} else {
$this->yell('ZIP file could not be opened!', 40, 'red');
if (!$versionFound) {
$this->yell('ZIP file does not contain required version: "' . $version . '" in readme.txt! ', 40, 'red');
$this->say('ZIP file contains required version: "' . $version . '" in readme.txt.');
public function releaseDownloadZip() {
$circleciController = $this->createCircleCiController();
$path = $circleciController->downloadLatestBuild(self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH);
$this->say('Release ZIP downloaded to: ' . $path);
$this->say(sprintf('Release ZIP file size: %.2F MB', filesize($path) / pow(1024, 2)));
public function releaseDeleteDownloadedZip() {
$this->say('Delete downloaded ZIP: ' . self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH);
$this->taskExec('rm -f ' . self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH)->run();
$this->say('ZIP file was deleted');
public function releasePublishGithub($version = null) {
$jiraController = $this->createJiraController();
$version = $jiraController->getVersion($version);
$changelog = $this->getChangelogController()->get($version['name']);
$githubController = $this->createGitHubController();
$githubController->publishRelease($version['name'], $changelog[1], self::ZIP_BUILD_PATH);
$this->say("Release '$version[name]' was published to GitHub.");
public function releasePublishJira($version = null) {
$version = $this->releaseVersionGetPrepared($version);
$jiraController = $this->createJiraController();
$jiraVersion = $jiraController->releaseVersion($version);
$this->say("JIRA version '$jiraVersion[name]' was released.");
public function releasePublishSlack($version = null) {
$jiraController = $this->createJiraController();
$version = $jiraController->getVersion($version);
$changelog = $this->getChangelogController()->get($version['name']);
$slackNotifier = $this->createSlackNotifier();
$slackNotifier->notify($version['name'], $changelog[1], $version['id']);
$this->say("Release '$version[name]' info was published on Slack.");
public function releaseRerunCircleWorkflow(?string $project = null) {
$circleciController = $this->createCircleCiController();
$result = $circleciController->rerunLatestWorkflow($project);
// Sometimes can be useful to know which Circle project workflow was restarted
$project = $project ? " for the project '{$project}'" : '';
if (!$result) {
$this->yell("Circle Workflow{$project} was not restarted", 40, 'red');
} else {
$this->say("Circle Workflow{$project} was started from the beginning");
public function downloadWooCommerceMembershipsZip($tag = null) {
if (!getenv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME') && !getenv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN')) {
$this->yell("Skipping download of WooCommerce Memberships", 40, 'red');
exit(0); // Exit with 0 since it is a valid state for some environments
->downloadReleaseZip('woocommerce-memberships.zip', __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/', $tag);
public function downloadWooCommerceSubscriptionsZip($tag = null) {
if (!getenv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME') && !getenv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN')) {
$this->yell("Skipping download of WooCommerce Subscriptions", 40, 'red');
exit(0); // Exit with 0 since it is a valid state for some environments
->downloadReleaseZip('woocommerce-subscriptions.zip', __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/', $tag);
public function downloadAutomateWooZip($tag = null) {
if (!getenv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME') && !getenv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN')) {
$this->yell("Skipping download of Automate Woo", 40, 'red');
exit(0); // Exit with 0 since it is a valid state for some environments
->downloadReleaseZip('automatewoo.zip', __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/', $tag);
public function downloadWooCommerceZip($tag = null) {
->downloadPluginZip('woocommerce.zip', __DIR__ . '/tests/plugins/', $tag);
public function generateData($generatorName = null, $threads = 1) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tests/DataGenerator/_bootstrap.php';
$generator = new \MailPoet\Test\DataGenerator\DataGenerator(new \Codeception\Lib\Console\Output([]));
if ((int)$threads === 1) {
} else {
$parallelTask = $this->taskParallelExec();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $threads; $i++) {
$parallelTask = $parallelTask->process("./do generate:unit-of-data $generatorName");
* This is intended only for usage as a child process in parallel execution
* @param string|null $generatorName
public function generateUnitOfData($generatorName = null) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tests/DataGenerator/_bootstrap.php';
$generator = new \MailPoet\Test\DataGenerator\DataGenerator(new \Codeception\Lib\Console\Output([]));
public function automationAddStep() {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tasks/automation/AddStep.php';
$yes = ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes', 'YES'];
$type = in_array($this->ask("Is this step a trigger? [y]"), $yes) ? 'trigger' : 'action';
$isPremium = in_array($this->ask("Is this $type a premium feature? [y]"), $yes);
$vendor = $this->ask("Who is the vendor of the $type? (default: mailpoet)") ?? 'mailpoet';
do {
$id = $this->ask("What is the id of the $type?");
} while (!$id);
do {
$name = $this->ask("What is the name of the $type?");
} while (!$name);
do {
$description = $this->ask("Describe the $type?");
} while (!$description);
do {
$keywords = array_map(
function(string $keyword): string {
return trim($keyword);
explode(',', $this->ask("Add some keywords (commaseparated)"))
} while (!$keywords);
$subtitle = 'Trigger';
if ($type === 'action') {
do {
$subtitle = $this->ask("What is the subtitle?");
} while (!$subtitle);
$premiumNotice = '';
if ($isPremium) {
do {
$premiumNotice = $this->ask("What is the text message for the premium modal?");
} while (!$premiumNotice);
$generator = new \MailPoetTasks\Automation\AddStep(
$this->yell(ucfirst("$type created."));
public function twigGenerateCache() {
$templatePath = __DIR__ . '/views/'; // \MailPoet\Config\Env::$viewsPath . '/'
$renderer = new \MailPoet\Config\Renderer(
__DIR__ . '/generated/twig',
new TwigFileSystem($templatePath)
$twig = $renderer->getTwig();
foreach ($this->rsearch($templatePath, ['html', 'hbs', 'txt']) as $template) {
$path = substr($template, strlen($templatePath));
public function emailCreateTemplates() {
return $this->taskExec('vendor/bin/wp mailpoet:email-editor:create-templates');
protected function rsearch($folder, $extensions = []) {
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir);
$pattern = '/^.+\.(' . join('|', $extensions) . ')$/i';
$files = new RegexIterator(
$list = [];
foreach ($files as $file) {
$list[] = $file[0];
return $list;
protected function validateVersion($version) {
if (!\MailPoetTasks\Release\VersionHelper::validateVersion($version)) {
$this->yell('Incorrect version format', 40, 'red');
protected function getChangelogController() {
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\ChangelogController(
__DIR__ . '/readme.txt'
protected function getReleaseVersionController() {
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\ReleaseVersionController(
protected function createJiraController() {
$help = 'Use your JIRA username and a token from https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens.';
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\JiraController(
$this->getEnv('WP_JIRA_TOKEN', $help),
$this->getEnv('WP_JIRA_USER', $help),
protected function createCircleCiController() {
$help = "Use 'mailpoet' username and a token from https://circleci.com/gh/mailpoet/mailpoet/edit#api.";
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\CircleCiController(
$this->getEnv('WP_CIRCLECI_USERNAME', $help),
$this->getEnv('WP_CIRCLECI_TOKEN', $help),
protected function createGitHubController($project = \MailPoetTasks\Release\GitHubController::PROJECT_MAILPOET) {
$help = "Use your GitHub username and a token from https://github.com/settings/tokens with 'repo' scopes.";
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\GitHubController(
$this->getEnv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME', $help),
$this->getEnv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN', $help),
protected function createSlackNotifier() {
$help = 'Use Webhook URL from https://mailpoet.slack.com/services/BHRB9AHSQ.';
return new \MailPoetTasks\Release\SlackNotifier(
$this->getEnv('WP_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL', $help),
protected function getEnv($name, $help = null) {
$env = getenv($name);
if ($env === false || $env === '') {
$this->yell("Environment variable '$name' was not set.", 40, 'red');
if ($help !== null) {
return $env;
private function execWithXDebug($command) {
$phpConfig = new \Composer\XdebugHandler\PhpConfig();
// exec command in subprocess with original settings
passthru($command, $exitCode);
return $exitCode;
private function createGithubClient($repositoryName) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tasks/GithubClient.php';
return new \MailPoetTasks\GithubClient(
getenv('WP_GITHUB_USERNAME') ?: null,
getenv('WP_GITHUB_TOKEN') ?: null
private function createWpOrgDownloader($pluginSlug) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/tasks/WPOrgPluginDownloader.php';
return new \MailPoetTasks\WPOrgPluginDownloader($pluginSlug);
private function createDoctrineEntityManager() {
define('ABSPATH', getenv('WP_ROOT') . '/');
if (\MailPoet\Config\Env::$dbPrefix === null) {
* Ensure some prefix is set
\MailPoet\Config\Env::$dbPrefix = '';
$annotationReaderProvider = new \MailPoet\Doctrine\Annotations\AnnotationReaderProvider();
$configuration = (new \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConfigurationFactory($annotationReaderProvider, true))->createConfiguration();
$platformClass = \MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform::class;
return \MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create([
'driverClass' => \MailPoet\Doctrine\ConnectionFactory::DRIVER_CLASS,
'platform' => new $platformClass,
], $configuration);
private function runTestsInContainer(array $opts) {
$testType = $opts['test_type'] ?? 'acceptance';
return $this->taskExec(
'COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=200 docker compose run ' .
(isset($opts['wordpress-version']) && $opts['wordpress-version'] ? '-e WORDPRESS_VERSION=' . $opts['wordpress-version'] . ' ' : '') .
(isset($opts['skip-deps']) && $opts['skip-deps'] ? '-e SKIP_DEPS=1 ' : '') .
(isset($opts['disable-hpos']) && $opts['disable-hpos'] ? '-e DISABLE_HPOS=1 ' : '') .
(isset($opts['enable-hpos-sync']) && $opts['enable-hpos-sync'] ? '-e ENABLE_HPOS_SYNC=1 ' : '') .
(isset($opts['enable-hpos']) && $opts['enable-hpos'] ? '-e ENABLE_HPOS=1 ' : '') .
(isset($opts['skip-plugins']) && $opts['skip-plugins'] ? '-e SKIP_PLUGINS=1 ' : '') .
(isset($opts['timeout']) && $opts['timeout'] ? '-e WAIT_TIMEOUT=' . (int)$opts['timeout'] . ' ' : '') .
(isset($opts['multisite']) && $opts['multisite'] ? '-e MULTISITE=1 ' : '-e MULTISITE=0 ') .
"codeception_{$testType} --steps --debug -vvv " .
(isset($opts['xml']) && $opts['xml'] ? '--xml ' : '') .
(isset($opts['group']) && $opts['group'] ? '--group ' . $opts['group'] . ' ' : '') .
(isset($opts['skip-group']) && $opts['skip-group'] ? '--skip-group ' . $opts['skip-group'] . ' ' : '') .
(isset($opts['stop-on-fail']) && $opts['stop-on-fail'] ? '-f ' : '') .
(isset($opts['file']) && $opts['file'] ? $opts['file'] : '')
)->dir(__DIR__ . '/../tests_env/docker')->run();
private function getParallelism(int $multiplier = 1, int $min = 4, int $max = 32): int {
$path = __DIR__ . '/../.circleci/nproc.js';
$nproc = (int)$this->taskExec("node $path")->printOutput(false)->run()->stopOnFail()->getMessage();
return max(min($nproc * $multiplier, $max), $min);
private function getCurrentJsPackageVersion(string $packageName) {
$versionInfo = $this->taskExec("pnpm list $packageName")->printOutput(false)->run()->getMessage();
$lines = explode("\n", $versionInfo);
$lastLine = end($lines);
return explode(' ', $lastLine)[1];