2025-03-05 13:12:41 +01:00

390 lines
10 KiB

<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
namespace MailPoet\Twig;
use MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper;
use MailPoet\Referrals\UrlDecorator;
use MailPoet\Settings\SettingsController;
use MailPoet\Util\FreeDomains;
use MailPoet\Util\Notices\PendingApprovalNotice;
use MailPoet\WooCommerce\Helper as WooCommerceHelper;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
use MailPoet\WPCOM\DotcomHelperFunctions;
use MailPoetVendor\Carbon\Carbon;
use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use MailPoetVendor\Twig\TwigFunction;
class Functions extends AbstractExtension {
/** @var SettingsController */
private $settings = null;
/** @var WooCommerceHelper */
private $woocommerceHelper = null;
/** @var WPFunctions */
private $wp = null;
/** @var UrlDecorator */
private $referralUrlDecorator = null;
/** @var PendingApprovalNotice */
private $pendingApprovalNotice = null;
private function getWooCommerceHelper(): WooCommerceHelper {
if ($this->woocommerceHelper === null) {
$this->woocommerceHelper = new WooCommerceHelper($this->getWp());
return $this->woocommerceHelper;
private function getreferralUrlDecorator(): UrlDecorator {
if ($this->referralUrlDecorator === null) {
$this->referralUrlDecorator = new UrlDecorator($this->getWp(), $this->getSettings());
return $this->referralUrlDecorator;
private function getSettings(): SettingsController {
if ($this->settings === null) {
$this->settings = SettingsController::getInstance();
return $this->settings;
private function getDotcomHelperFunctions(): DotcomHelperFunctions {
return ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(DotcomHelperFunctions::class);
private function getWp(): WPFunctions {
if ($this->wp === null) {
$this->wp = WPFunctions::get();
return $this->wp;
private function getPendingApprovalNotice(): PendingApprovalNotice {
if ($this->pendingApprovalNotice === null) {
$this->pendingApprovalNotice = ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(PendingApprovalNotice::class);
return $this->pendingApprovalNotice;
public function getFunctions() {
return [
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'params'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getSendingFrequency'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getWPDateFormat'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getMailPoetVersion'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getMailPoetPremiumVersion'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getWPDateFormat'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getWPTimeFormat'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getWPDateTimeFormat'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'isRtl'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getTwoLettersLocale'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getFreeDomains'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'isWoocommerceActive'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'isWoocommerceEmailImprovementsEnabled'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getWooCommerceVersion'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'getWPStartOfWeek'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'statsColor'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'clickedStatsText'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'statsNumberFormatI18n'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'addReferralId'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'libs3rdPartyEnabled'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'isDotcomEcommercePlan'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'isDotcom'],
['is_safe' => ['all']]
new TwigFunction(
[$this, 'pendingApprovalMessage'],
['is_safe' => ['html']]
public function getSendingFrequency() {
/** @var string[] $args */
$args = func_get_args();
$value = (int)array_shift($args);
$label = null;
$labels = [
'minute' => __('every minute', 'mailpoet'),
// translators: %1$d is the amount of minutes.
'minutes' => __('every %1$d minutes', 'mailpoet'),
'hour' => __('every hour', 'mailpoet'),
// translators: %1$d is the amount of hours.
'hours' => __('every %1$d hours', 'mailpoet'),
if ($value >= 60) {
// we're dealing with hours
if ($value === 60) {
$label = $labels['hour'];
} else {
$label = $labels['hours'];
$value /= 60;
} else {
// we're dealing with minutes
if ($value === 1) {
$label = $labels['minute'];
} else {
$label = $labels['minutes'];
return sprintf($label, $value);
public function getWPDateFormat() {
return $this->getWp()->getOption('date_format') ?: 'F j, Y';
public function getWPStartOfWeek() {
return $this->getWp()->getOption('start_of_week') ?: 0;
public function getMailPoetVersion() {
public function getMailPoetPremiumVersion() {
public function getWPTimeFormat() {
return $this->getWp()->getOption('time_format') ?: 'g:i a';
public function getWPDateTimeFormat() {
return sprintf('%s %s', $this->getWPDateFormat(), $this->getWPTimeFormat());
public function params($key = null) {
$args = $this->getWp()->stripslashesDeep($_GET);
if (array_key_exists($key, $args)) {
return $args[$key];
return null;
public function installedInLastTwoWeeks() {
$maxNumberOfWeeks = 2;
$installedAt = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->getSettings()->get('installed_at'));
if ($installedAt === false) {
return false;
return $installedAt->diffInWeeks(Carbon::now()) < $maxNumberOfWeeks;
public function isRtl() {
return $this->getWp()->isRtl();
public function getTwoLettersLocale() {
return explode('_', $this->getWp()->getLocale())[0];
public function getFreeDomains() {
return FreeDomains::FREE_DOMAINS;
public function isWoocommerceActive() {
return $this->getWooCommerceHelper()->isWooCommerceActive();
public function isWoocommerceEmailImprovementsEnabled() {
return $this->getWooCommerceHelper()->isWooCommerceEmailImprovementsEnabled();
public function getWooCommerceVersion() {
return $this->getWooCommerceHelper()->getWooCommerceVersion();
public function statsColor($percentage) {
if ($percentage > 3) {
return '#7ed321';
} elseif ($percentage > 1) {
return '#ff9f00';
} else {
return '#f559c3';
public function clickedStatsText($clicked) {
if ($clicked > 3) {
return __('Excellent', 'mailpoet');
} elseif ($clicked > 1) {
return __('Good', 'mailpoet');
} else {
return __('Average', 'mailpoet');
* Wrapper around number_format_i18n() to return two decimals digits if the number
* is smaller than 0.1 and one decimal digit if the number is equal or greater
* than 0.1.
* @param int|float $number
* @return string
public function statsNumberFormatI18n($number) {
if ($number < 0.1) {
$decimals = 2;
} else {
$decimals = 1;
return number_format_i18n($number, $decimals);
public function addReferralId($url) {
return $this->getreferralUrlDecorator()->decorate($url);
public function libs3rdPartyEnabled(): bool {
return $this->getSettings()->get('3rd_party_libs.enabled') === '1';
public function isDotcomEcommercePlan(): bool {
if (function_exists('wc_calypso_bridge_is_ecommerce_plan')) {
return wc_calypso_bridge_is_ecommerce_plan();
return false;
public function isDotcom(): bool {
return $this->getDotcomHelperFunctions()->isDotcom();
public function pendingApprovalMessage(): string {
return $this->getPendingApprovalNotice()->getPendingApprovalMessage();