Make Rosa an Aquilops because she is not an Ankylosaur #6

Pomi108 wants to merge 2 commits from Pomi108/ into master
First-time contributor
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Pomi108 added 1 commit 2024-10-12 22:02:54 +00:00
Pomi108 added 1 commit 2024-10-12 22:05:31 +00:00

Those files are just reference files, editing them does nothing. You have to edit definition.toml
But regardless, this is a 3 year retcon on Koop's end, and doesn't apply to Snoot Game.

Those files are just reference files, editing them does nothing. You have to edit definition.toml But regardless, this is a 3 year retcon on Koop's end, and doesn't apply to Snoot Game.
MapAnon closed this pull request 2024-10-12 22:30:38 +00:00
First-time contributor

I don't think it's a retcon, ko_op seems to always have intended Rosa to be an Aquilops. She also has no visual traits of an Ankylosaur.


But if you wanna keep her as an Ankylosaur then I'm not gonna stop you.

I don't think it's a retcon, ko_op seems to always have intended Rosa to be an Aquilops. She also has no visual traits of an Ankylosaur. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ But if you wanna keep her as an Ankylosaur then I'm not gonna stop you.

The og snoot writers asked Koop in their discord way back in 2020 what species Rosa was, and the answer they got was Ankylosaur. This may have been a mistake, or someone on their team was just not well informed, but that's the canon that Snoot Game worked with.

Eitherway, she does have traits that can fit on an Ankylosaur, and her design is ambiguous enough to fit both species, so in practice this doesn't matter much.

The og snoot writers asked Koop in their discord way back in 2020 what species Rosa was, and the answer they got was Ankylosaur. This may have been a mistake, or someone on their team was just not well informed, but that's the canon that Snoot Game worked with. Eitherway, she _does_ have traits that can fit on an Ankylosaur, and her design is ambiguous enough to fit both species, so in practice this doesn't matter much.
First-time contributor

Huh, wasn't aware of that. Fair enough then.

Huh, wasn't aware of that. Fair enough then.

Pull request closed

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