2021-12-14 18:32:47 +00:00

351 lines
11 KiB

abstract class DatabaseDriver
public const MYSQL = "mysql";
public const PGSQL = "pgsql";
public const SQLITE = "sqlite";
* A class for controlled database access
class Database
private string $dsn;
* The PDO database connection object, for anyone who wants direct access.
private ?PDO $db = null;
public float $dbtime = 0.0;
* Meta info about the database engine.
private ?DBEngine $engine = null;
* How many queries this DB object has run
public int $query_count = 0;
public function __construct(string $dsn)
$this->dsn = $dsn;
private function connect_db(): void
$this->db = new PDO($this->dsn);
private function connect_engine(): void
if (preg_match("/^([^:]*)/", $this->dsn, $matches)) {
} else {
throw new SCoreException("Can't figure out database engine");
if ($db_proto === DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
$this->engine = new MySQL();
} elseif ($db_proto === DatabaseDriver::PGSQL) {
$this->engine = new PostgreSQL();
} elseif ($db_proto === DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
$this->engine = new SQLite();
} else {
'Unknown PDO driver: '.$db_proto,
"Please check that this is a valid driver, installing the PHP modules if needed"
public function begin_transaction(): void
if ($this->is_transaction_open() === false) {
public function is_transaction_open(): bool
return !is_null($this->db) && $this->db->inTransaction();
public function commit(): bool
if ($this->is_transaction_open()) {
return $this->db->commit();
} else {
throw new SCoreException("Unable to call commit() as there is no transaction currently open.");
public function rollback(): bool
if ($this->is_transaction_open()) {
return $this->db->rollback();
} else {
throw new SCoreException("Unable to call rollback() as there is no transaction currently open.");
public function scoreql_to_sql(string $input): string
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
return $this->engine->scoreql_to_sql($input);
public function get_driver_name(): string
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
return $this->engine->name;
public function get_version(): string
return $this->engine->get_version($this->db);
private function count_time(string $method, float $start, string $query, ?array $args): void
global $_tracer, $tracer_enabled;
$dur = microtime(true) - $start;
if ($tracer_enabled) {
$query = trim(preg_replace('/^[\t ]+/m', '', $query)); // trim leading whitespace
$_tracer->complete($start * 1000000, $dur * 1000000, "DB Query", ["query"=>$query, "args"=>$args, "method"=>$method]);
$this->dbtime += $dur;
public function set_timeout(?int $time): void
$this->engine->set_timeout($this->db, $time);
public function notify(string $channel, ?string $data=null): void
$this->engine->notify($this->db, $channel, $data);
public function execute(string $query, array $args = []): PDOStatement
try {
if (is_null($this->db)) {
return $this->db->execute(
"-- " . str_replace("%2F", "/", urlencode($_GET['q'] ?? '')). "\n" .
} catch (PDOException $pdoe) {
throw new SCoreException($pdoe->getMessage(), $query);
* Execute an SQL query and return a 2D array.
public function get_all(string $query, array $args = []): array
$_start = microtime(true);
$data = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetchAll();
$this->count_time("get_all", $_start, $query, $args);
return $data;
* Execute an SQL query and return a iterable object for use with generators.
public function get_all_iterable(string $query, array $args = []): PDOStatement
$_start = microtime(true);
$data = $this->execute($query, $args);
$this->count_time("get_all_iterable", $_start, $query, $args);
return $data;
* Execute an SQL query and return a single row.
public function get_row(string $query, array $args = []): ?array
$_start = microtime(true);
$row = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetch();
$this->count_time("get_row", $_start, $query, $args);
return $row ? $row : null;
* Execute an SQL query and return the first column of each row.
public function get_col(string $query, array $args = []): array
$_start = microtime(true);
$res = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
$this->count_time("get_col", $_start, $query, $args);
return $res;
* Execute an SQL query and return the first column of each row as a single iterable object.
public function get_col_iterable(string $query, array $args = []): Generator
$_start = microtime(true);
$stmt = $this->execute($query, $args);
$this->count_time("get_col_iterable", $_start, $query, $args);
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
yield $row[0];
* Execute an SQL query and return the the first column => the second column.
public function get_pairs(string $query, array $args = []): array
$_start = microtime(true);
$res = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
$this->count_time("get_pairs", $_start, $query, $args);
return $res;
* Execute an SQL query and return the the first column => the second column as an iterable object.
public function get_pairs_iterable(string $query, array $args = []): Generator
$_start = microtime(true);
$stmt = $this->execute($query, $args);
$this->count_time("get_pairs_iterable", $_start, $query, $args);
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
yield $row[0] => $row[1];
* Execute an SQL query and return a single value, or null.
public function get_one(string $query, array $args = [])
$_start = microtime(true);
$row = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetch();
$this->count_time("get_one", $_start, $query, $args);
return $row ? $row[0] : null;
* Execute an SQL query and returns a bool indicating if any data was returned
public function exists(string $query, array $args = []): bool
$_start = microtime(true);
$row = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetch();
$this->count_time("exists", $_start, $query, $args);
if ($row==null) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the ID of the last inserted row.
public function get_last_insert_id(string $seq): int
if ($this->engine->name == DatabaseDriver::PGSQL) {
$id = $this->db->lastInsertId($seq);
} else {
$id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
return (int)$id;
* Create a table from pseudo-SQL.
public function create_table(string $name, string $data): void
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
$data = trim($data, ", \t\n\r\0\x0B"); // mysql doesn't like trailing commas
$this->execute($this->engine->create_table_sql($name, $data));
* Returns the number of tables present in the current database.
* @throws SCoreException
public function count_tables(): int
if (is_null($this->db) || is_null($this->engine)) {
if ($this->engine->name === DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
return count(
$this->get_all("SHOW TABLES")
} elseif ($this->engine->name === DatabaseDriver::PGSQL) {
return count(
$this->get_all("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'")
} elseif ($this->engine->name === DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
return count(
$this->get_all("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'")
} else {
throw new SCoreException("Can't count tables for database type {$this->engine->name}");
public function raw_db(): PDO
return $this->db;
public function standardise_boolean(string $table, string $column, bool $include_postgres=false): void
$d = $this->get_driver_name();
if ($d == DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
# In mysql, ENUM('Y', 'N') is secretly INTEGER where Y=1 and N=2.
# BOOLEAN is secretly TINYINT where true=1 and false=0.
# So we can cast directly from ENUM to BOOLEAN which gives us a
# column of values 'true' and 'invalid but who cares lol', which
# we can then UPDATE to be 'true' and 'false'.
$this->execute("ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY COLUMN $column BOOLEAN;");
$this->execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=0 WHERE $column=2;");
if ($d == DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
# SQLite doesn't care about column types at all, everything is
# text, so we can in-place replace a char with a bool
$this->execute("UPDATE $table SET $column = ($column IN ('Y', 1))");
if ($d == DatabaseDriver::PGSQL && $include_postgres) {
$this->execute("ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN ${column}_b BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL");
$this->execute("UPDATE $table SET ${column}_b = ($column = 'Y')");
$this->execute("ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $column");
$this->execute("ALTER TABLE $table RENAME COLUMN ${column}_b TO $column");