chapter 13D proofread
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_e12ed3a8:
translate it chapter_13D_6744d21d:
# "I take a long, slow sip."
"Bevo un lungo, lento sorto."
"Bevo un lungo, lento sorso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:287
translate it chapter_13D_0e74a9ac:
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_ebf9ec83:
translate it chapter_13D_00d81abc:
# N "It’s harsh to ask, but when we go to prom tonight I’d like you two to avoid us."
N "È una cosa severa da chiedere, ma quando andremo al ballo stasera preferirei che voi due ci evitaste."
N "È una cosa brutta da chiedere, ma quando andremo al ballo stasera preferirei che voi due ci evitaste."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:335
translate it chapter_13D_c510cac1:
@ -412,13 +412,13 @@ translate it chapter_13D_41fc8e79:
translate it chapter_13D_18d2ae56:
# F "You can’t get even one person to do what you want?"
F "Non riesci a far fare quello che vuoi nemmeno a una sola persona?"
F "Non sei capace di comandare neanche una singola persona?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:402
translate it chapter_13D_8a114362:
# F "Pretty sad, right Anon?"
F "Piuttosto triste, vero Anon?"
F "Piuttosto deprimente, vero Anon?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:405
translate it chapter_13D_899c3da7:
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_0c7eeae2:
translate it chapter_13D_dce5053f:
# "In a flash Fang strikes Naomi right across the face."
"In un lampo Fang colpisce Naomi proprio in faccia."
"In un lampo Fang tira uno schiaffo in faccia a Naomi."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:437
translate it chapter_13D_b1795c7a:
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_e52986dc:
translate it chapter_13D_2d19ce77:
# "This guy must stake out wherever we go."
"Questo tizio ci sta pedinado dovunque andiamo di sicuro."
"Di sicuro questo tizio ci sta pedinado dovunque andiamo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:607
translate it chapter_13D_cdb1d2e8:
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_a52b1143:
translate it chapter_13D_e8074777:
# D "So where’re you two lovebirds heading dressed all snazzy like that?"
D "Quindi dove andate voi due piccioncini tutti in ghingeri così?"
D "Quindi dove andate voi due piccioncini tutti in ghingheri così?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:632
translate it chapter_13D_7dad2353:
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_02a77303:
translate it chapter_13D_b670f23b:
# "Reed dusts off his hands and lets out a sigh, releasing another mushroom cloud of smoke from the costume."
"Reed si spolvera le mani e sospira, rilasciando un'altro fungo atomico di fumo dal costume."
"Reed si spolvera le mani e sospira, emettendo una nube di fumo a fungo dal costume."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:793
translate it chapter_13D_eaa58aa5:
@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_52987a8a:
translate it chapter_13D_d15c1843:
# F "Let’s go see what other crap there is to do here."
F "Andiamo a vedere quale altre stronzate ci sono da fare qui."
F "Andiamo a vedere quali altre stronzate ci sono da fare qui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:901
translate it chapter_13D_5eea27c6:
@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_8fa1be5f:
translate it chapter_13D_7a128e7f:
# "At least I’m not flossing like some of the faggots here."
"Almeno non sto facendo il floss come un po' dei froci qui."
"Almeno non sto facendo la floss come un po' dei froci qui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1181
translate it chapter_13D_d4009d79:
@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_96d9fbaf:
translate it chapter_13D_d64967cb:
# A "I saw you sat here.{w=0.5} No date,{w=0.3} no friends,{w=0.3} no nothing."
A "Ti ho vista seduta qui.{w=0.5} Niente accompagnatore,{w=0.3} niente amici,{w=0.3} niente di niente."
A "Ti ho vista seduta qui.{w=0.5} Niente compagno,{w=0.3} niente amici,{w=0.3} niente di niente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1414
translate it chapter_13D_4cc49941:
@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_b5840a39:
translate it chapter_13D_cf305c83:
# T "After everything I did, you should hate me for it."
T "Dopo tutto quello che ho fatto, mi dovresti odirare."
T "Dopo tutto quello che ho fatto, mi dovresti odiare."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1440
translate it chapter_13D_3f739ce1:
@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_7d44e837:
translate it chapter_13D_adeb7295:
# A "That shit’s gonna be in the past."
A "Tutta quella merda sarà nel passato."
A "Tutta quella merda sarà acqua passata."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1456
translate it chapter_13D_ca74c2e9:
@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_f7c54016:
translate it chapter_13D_5d368674:
# "Guess no one’s bothered to ask her."
"Presumo nessuno si sia breso la briga di chiederglielo."
"Presumo nessuno si sia preso la briga di chiederglielo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1512
translate it chapter_13D_3b3c41dd:
@ -2212,7 +2212,7 @@ translate it chapter_13D_28a38121:
translate it chapter_13D_e3758dcb:
# "He pats my shoulder out of its socket and gets up."
"Mi fa uscire la spalla dall'articolazione con una pacca e si alza."
"Mi lussa la spalla con una pacca e si alza."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1797
translate it chapter_13D_470acb49:
@ -2260,13 +2260,13 @@ translate it chadshark_0c6baa46:
translate it chadshark_8eaecc04:
# "hey fagets guess whos at prom? later virgins\npic rel is my date :^)"
"hey froci indovinate chi è al ballo? ci si vede vergini\npic rel è la mia accompagnatrice :^)"
"hey froci indovinate chi è al ballo? ci si vede vergini\npic rel è la mia compagna :^)"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1845
translate it chadshark_35cefb86:
# "I attach a picture I took of Stella earlier when her date was in the restroom."
"Allego una foto che ho fatto a Stella prima quando il suo accompagnatore era al bagno."
"Allego una foto che ho fatto a Stella prima quando il suo compagno era al bagno."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1847
translate it chadshark_91a00452:
@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ translate it chadshark_56df547e:
translate it chadshark_63ea78be:
# "A few students are already congratulating Naser as he’s led by the arm by his handler."
"Un po' di studenti già congratulano Naser mentre viene guidato dal braccio dalla sua accompagnatrice."
"Un po' di studenti già congratulano Naser mentre viene guidato dal braccio dalla sua compagna."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1943
translate it chadshark_cfdfb358:
@ -3214,7 +3214,7 @@ translate it FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_133d3e38:
translate it FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_bc7ed2f8:
# "Probably the stress of finals."
"Probabilmente sarà lo stress dei tesi finali."
"Probabilmente sarà lo stress degli esami finali."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2505
translate it FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a57d685d:
@ -4144,7 +4144,7 @@ translate it FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_eec439d3:
translate it FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c652d307:
# T "I’m gonna get my cosmetologist license and open my own horn salon!"
T "Io prenderò la licenza da cosmetologa e aprirò il mio salone per corni!"
T "Io prenderò la licenza da cosmetologa e aprirò il mio salone per corna!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3143
translate it FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b2c01af9:
@ -4582,7 +4582,7 @@ translate it tink_7d7ed456:
translate it tink_ddc27656:
# "The new Metal Gear RAYmba Mk.II bumps against my face, turns, and continues eating the crumbs off my new carpet."
"Il nuovo Metal Gear RAYmba MK.II urta contro la mia faccia, si gira, e continua a mangiare le briciole dal mio nuovo tappeto."
"Il nuovo Metal Gear RAYmba MK.II sbatte contro la mia faccia, si gira, e continua a mangiare le briciole dal mio nuovo tappeto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3350
translate it tink_6af1f792:
@ -5686,7 +5686,7 @@ translate it tink_068061e8:
translate it tink_561c4a22:
# A "Thanks, yeah. I’ve had fun exchanging gifts with my friends."
A "Grazie, già. È stato divertende scambiare regali con gli amici."
A "Grazie, già. È stato divertente scambiare regali con gli amici."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3867
translate it tink_2c3e29f8:
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