Concise font instructions Stable
released this
2024-09-13 19:34:41 +00:00 | 4 commits to master since this releaseAdded some instructions for editing the font files if a language wasn't supported, since there were none.
Big update Stable
released this
2024-08-06 22:46:07 +00:00 | 5 commits to master since this release-Adds metro station background and pre-painting destruction cg sources.
-README edited for instructions on the metro station, as well as acknowledging what to do with custom fonts for different languages in the misc section.
-Updated several sources with as many native russian, spanish, swedish, and polish layers as there are available.Downloads
I am retardo Stable
released this
2024-03-13 01:36:20 +00:00 | 8 commits to master since this releaseI didn't realize that zip discarded empty directories, so here's v1.0 with files to make sure that the directories in the wanilogo folder are kept.
Overdo release Stable
released this
2024-03-12 21:36:39 +00:00 | 9 commits to master since this releaseWoopsy forgot to actually make a release.