forked from MichaelYick/mailpoet
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PHP Code
- Two spaces indentation.
- Space between keyword (if, for, switch...) and left bracket
- CamelCase for classes.
- camelCase for methods.
- snake_case for variables and class properties.
- Composition over Inheritance.
- Comments are a code smell. If you need to use a comment - see if same idea can be achieved by more clearly expressing code.
- Require other classes with 'use' at the beginning of the class file.
- Do not specify 'public' if method is public, it's implicit.
- Always use guard clauses.
- Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.1 and newer versions.
- Cover your code in tests.
- camelCase for file name
- Components files are prefixed with underscore, to indicate, that they aren't compiled separately.
JS Code
- Javascript code should follow the Airbnb style guide.
- Prefer named export before default export in JS and TS files
Disabling linting rules
- we want to avoid using
- if we have to use it we need to use a comment explaining why do we need it:
/* eslint-disable no-new -- this class has a side-effect in the constructor and it's a library's. */
- for PHP we do the same with the exception
// phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
which for now doesn’t require an explanation
Git flow
- Do not commit to master.
- Open a short-living feature branch.
- Open a pull request.
- Add Jira issue reference in the title of the Pull Request.
- Work on the pull request.
- Use the
./do qa
command to check your code style before pushing. - Use good commit messages as explained here
- Wait for review from another developer.
Issues creation
- Issues are managed on Jira.
- Discuss issues on public Slack chats, discuss code in pull requests.
- Open a small Jira issue only when it has been discussed.