Rostislav Wolny 9bb9e424f4 Fix module resolving for chai
Eslint was not able to load chai with webpack import loader due error:
Package path . is not exported from package /node_modules/chai (see exports field in chai/package.json)
Pointing directly to node_modules/chai/index.js bypasses checking exports property in package.json
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MailPoet done the right way.




  • PHP >= 7.3 (only for the development environment, to run the plugin PHP >= 7.1 is required)
  • NodeJS
  • WordPress


The instructions below assume you already have a working WordPress development environment.

# go to WP plugins directory
$ cd path_to_wp_directory/wp-content/plugins
# clone this repository
$ git clone
$ cd mailpoet
# create the .env file
$ cp .env.sample .env
# change the values on .env file
# install all dependencies (PHP and JS)
$ ./do install
# compile JS and CSS files
$ ./do compile:all

####Note for NVM users In case you use nvm for node versions management you may need to create or update ~/.huskyrc with:

# This loads and sets the correct PATH before running hook
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"

Without it, you may experience errors in some git clients.

Frameworks and libraries

Workflow Commands

$ ./do install             # install PHP and JS dependencies
$ ./do update              # update PHP and JS dependencies

$ ./do compile:css         # compiles SCSS files into CSS.
$ ./do compile:js          # bundles JS files for the browser.
$ ./do compile:all         # compiles CSS and JS files.

$ ./do watch:css           # watch CSS files for changes and compile them.
$ ./do watch:js            # watch JS files for changes and compile them.

$ ./do test:unit [--file=...] [--debug]
  # runs the PHP unit tests.
  # if --file specified then only tests on that file are executed.
  # if --debug then tests are executed in debugging mode.
$ ./do test:integration [--file=...] [--multisite] [--debug]
  # runs the PHP integration tests.
  # if --file specified then only tests on that file are executed.
  # if --multisite then tests are executed in a multisite wordpress setup.
  # if --debug then tests are executed in debugging mode.
$ ./do test:multisite-integration # alias for ./do test:integration --multisite
$ ./do test:debug-unit            # alias for ./do test:unit --debug
$ ./do test:debug-integration     # alias for ./do test:integration --debug
$ ./do test:failed-unit           # run the last failing unit test.
$ ./do test:failed-integration    # run the last failing integration test.
$ ./do test:coverage              # run tests and output coverage information.
$ ./do test:javascript            # run the JS tests.
$ ./do test:acceptance [--file=...] [--skip-deps]
  # run acceptances tests into a docker environment.
  # if --file given then only tests on that file are executed.
  # if --skip-deps then it skips installation of composer dependencies.
$ ./do test:acceptance-multisite [--file=...] [--skip-deps]
  # download 3rd party plugins for tests
  # if you pass tag it will attempt to download zip for the tag otherwise it downloads the latest release
  # e.g. ./do download:woo-commerce-zip 5.20.0
$ ./do download:woo-commerce-zip [<tag>]
$ ./do download:woo-commerce-subscriptions-zip [<tag>]
  # same as test:acceptance but runs into a multisite wordpress setup.
$ ./do delete:docker      # stop and remove all running docker containers.

$ ./do qa:lint             # PHP code linter.
$ ./do qa:lint-javascript  # JS code linter.
$ ./do qa:phpstan          # PHP code static analysis using PHPStan.
$ ./do qa                  # PHP and JS linters.

$ ./do release:changelog-get  [--version-name=...]     # Prints out changelog and release notes for given version or for newest version.
$ ./do release:changelog-update  [--version-name=...] [--quiet] # Updates changelog in readme.txt for given version or for newest version.

$ ./do container:dump      # Generates DI container cache.

$ ./do generate:data [<generatorName>] [<threads>] # Generates random usage data (Note: requires WooCommerce active) e.g. ./do generate:data past_revenues 4


We use Storybook.js to showcase our React components, which can be used throughout the plugin.


Currently, we don't have Storybook published publicly, so developers need to run or build it locally.

To run it locally (on http://localhost:8083) while watching the changes (recommended when developing new component), run

./do storybook:watch

To build the static version, which can be accessed via browser, run

./do storybook:build

which will create a storybook-static folder with all necessary files. Don't forget to rebuild it when new components are added.

Building new components

  • All stories should be located in _stories folder inside the component folder they belong to.
  • Run ./do storybook:watch so all changes are automatically reflected in http://localhost:8083.
  • Examples are available in assets/js/src/storybook_demo/_stories folder.

Coding and Testing


We use Symfony/dependency-injection container. Container configuration can be found in libs/DI/ContainerFactory.php The container is configured and used with minimum sub-dependencies to keep final package size small. You can check the docs to learn more about Symfony Container.


We use PHP-Scoper package to prevent plugin libraries conflicts in PHP. Two plugins may be using different versions of a library. PHP-Scoper prefix dependencies namespaces and they are then moved into vendor-prefixed directory. Dependencies handled by PHP-Scoper are configured in extra configuration files prefixer/composer.json and prefixer/ Installation and processing is triggered in post scripts of the main composer.json file.


We use functions __(), _n() and _x() with domain mailpoet to translate strings.

in PHP code

__('text to translate', 'mailpoet');
_n('single text', 'plural text', $number, 'mailpoet');
_x('text to translate', 'context for translators', 'mailpoet');

in Twig views

<%= __('text to translate') %>
<%= _n('single text', 'plural text', $number) %>
<%= _x('text to translate', 'context for translators') %>

The domain mailpoet will be added automatically by the Twig functions.

in Javascript code

First add the string to the translations block in the Twig view:

<% block translations %>
  <%= localize({
    'key': __('string to translate'),
  }) %>
<% endblock %>

Then use MailPoet.I18n.t('key') to get the translated string on your Javascript code.

Acceptance testing

To run the whole acceptance testing suite you need the docker daemon to be running and after that use a command: ./do test:acceptance. If you want to run only a single test use the parameter --file:

./do test:acceptance --skip-deps --file tests/acceptance/ReceiveStandardEmailCest.php

The argument --skip-deps is useful locally to speed up the run.

If there are some unexpected errors you can delete all the runtime and start again. To delete all the docker runtime for acceptance tests use the command ./do d:d.

When debugging you can add $i->pause(); in to your test which pauses the execution.

We are using Gravity Flow plugin's setup as an example for our acceptance test suite:

From the article above:

Windows users only: enable hard drive sharing in the Docker settings.

The browser runs in a docker container. You can use a VNC client to watch the test run, follow instructions in official repo: If youre on a Mac, you can open vnc://localhost:5900 in Safari to watch the tests running in Chrome. If youre on Windows, youll need a VNC client. Password: secret.

I refuse to pay money to send emails from my own damn email server.
Readme 332 MiB
5.9.0-pirate Latest
2025-03-11 19:51:49 +00:00
PHP 73.2%
TypeScript 12.8%
JavaScript 7.7%
SCSS 2.5%
Other 1.7%