Fixes #2 - Refactoring Code so its not one 28k line blob #17

MichaelYick merged 44 commits from coolestskinnieinthejungle/SnootGame:master into Patchy-Patch5 2021-06-18 22:05:57 +00:00

Stage: Pushing back to original repo

Issue Reference:

Description of Pull Request:

this should provide the appropriate fixes for issues #2, #4, and #5

for more specific info on changes/fixes included:

tl;dr -

  • refactored code into stages per chapter and each chapter/route has it's own .rpy file (goodbye soulful 28k blob we will miss u)
  • fixed crash - Couldn't find file stella/stella shocked alt.png - is now the appropriate stella shock alt.png
  • fixed "stage wires" choice bugged/missing dialogue
#### Stage: Pushing back to original repo #### Issue Reference: ## Description of Pull Request: this should provide the appropriate fixes for issues #2, #4, and #5 for more specific info on changes/fixes included: tl;dr - * refactored code into stages per chapter and each chapter/route has it's own `.rpy` file (goodbye soulful 28k blob we will miss u) * fixed crash - Couldn't find file `stella/stella shocked alt.png` - is now the appropriate `stella shock alt.png` * fixed "stage wires" choice bugged/missing dialogue
coolestskinnieinthejungle added 21 commits 2021-06-14 04:13:36 +00:00

seems to be working on my end, anyone wanna try this out to make sure its all functional?

seems to be working on my end, anyone wanna try this out to make sure its all functional?
First-time contributor

I've found a major issue when testing on Windows 10; the filenames of script files 11D and 13D contain too many characters, causing renpy to return a fatal error on launch when executing the build.
After some testing, it seems that shortening the filenames fixes the error entirely.

Oh and it seems there's some leftover code strewn about, resulting in a few "soft" errors:

  • Line 930 in 8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy needs to replaced with "jump chapter_9".
  • Line 856 in 13A.fang-loses-it-after-losing-prom-queen.rpy should probably be xalign instead of align.
  • Line 470 in 14C.good-ending.rpy refers to a "fang c neutral" image, but not only is this not defined, the image doesn't exist.
I've found a major issue when testing on Windows 10; the filenames of script files 11D and 13D contain too many characters, causing renpy to return a fatal error on launch when executing the build. After some testing, it seems that shortening the filenames fixes the error entirely. Oh and it seems there's some leftover code strewn about, resulting in a few "soft" errors: * Line 930 in 8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy needs to replaced with "jump chapter_9". * Line 856 in 13A.fang-loses-it-after-losing-prom-queen.rpy should probably be xalign instead of align. * Line 470 in 14C.good-ending.rpy refers to a "fang c neutral" image, but not only is this not defined, the image doesn't exist.

I've found a major issue when testing on Windows 10; the filenames of script files 11D and 13D contain too many characters, causing renpy to return a fatal error on launch when executing the build.

weird that my dev machine didn't catch this, but great find. easy enough to fix, will abridge those two enough that they're still familiar

  • Line 930 in 8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy needs to replaced with "jump chapter_9".

this was a shortsight on my end - thought i removed/replaced the previous jump/label statements but this one stuck around it seems. fixing

  • Line 856 in 13A.fang-loses-it-after-losing-prom-queen.rpy should probably be xalign instead of align.

easy enough fix, good catch

  • Line 470 in 14C.good-ending.rpy refers to a "fang c neutral" image, but not only is this not defined, the image doesn't exist.

i'll leave @PrincipalSpears to pass judgment on this one

> I've found a major issue when testing on Windows 10; the filenames of script files 11D and 13D contain too many characters, causing renpy to return a fatal error on launch when executing the build. weird that my dev machine didn't catch this, but great find. easy enough to fix, will abridge those two enough that they're still familiar > * Line 930 in 8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy needs to replaced with "jump chapter_9". this was a shortsight on my end - thought i removed/replaced the previous jump/label statements but this one stuck around it seems. fixing > * Line 856 in 13A.fang-loses-it-after-losing-prom-queen.rpy should probably be xalign instead of align. easy enough fix, good catch > * Line 470 in 14C.good-ending.rpy refers to a "fang c neutral" image, but not only is this not defined, the image doesn't exist. i'll leave @PrincipalSpears to pass judgment on this one

Line 470 in 14C.good-ending.rpy refers to a "fang c neutral" image, but not only is this not defined, the image doesn't exist.

For some reason the fang future sets folder has a bunch of duplicate sprites and is missing the neutral sprite.

>Line 470 in 14C.good-ending.rpy refers to a "fang c neutral" image, but not only is this not defined, the image doesn't exist. For some reason the fang future sets folder has a bunch of duplicate sprites and is missing the neutral sprite.
additional fixes for above now live on
MichaelYick changed title from WIP: my/master -> your/Patchy-Patch5 to WIP: Refactoring Code so its not one 28k line blob 2021-06-15 11:25:03 +00:00
coolestskinnieinthejungle added 1 commit 2021-06-15 16:06:15 +00:00
First-time contributor

Aside from a missing dimstage.png background during the concert blackout, all seems to be in working order.

Another thing of note (which isn't really part of this PR) is that line 790 in file 7.concert-day.rp contains "Ro" at the start of the sentence.
I think this a leftover reference to Rosa's character object?
Tell me if you want me to create a seperate issue/PR for this.

Aside from a missing dimstage.png background during the concert blackout, all seems to be in working order. Another thing of note (which isn't really part of this PR) is that line 790 in file 7.concert-day.rp contains "Ro" at the start of the sentence. I think this a leftover reference to Rosa's character object? Tell me if you want me to create a seperate issue/PR for this.

@CoffeeAnon no problem, #23 has a ton more good linting/formatting things to fix so i'll likely be including that as well as what you mentioned in this PR as well. cheers

@CoffeeAnon no problem, #23 has a ton more good linting/formatting things to fix so i'll likely be including that as well as what you mentioned in this PR as well. cheers

I remember putting down a patch file that fixed these exact issues. I'll just upload the full script from that patch (it was in /tmp and I haven't restarted my computer in days, lucky man I am)

I remember putting down a patch file that fixed these exact issues. I'll just upload the full script from that patch (it was in /tmp and I haven't restarted my computer in days, lucky man I am)

internet is so slow that the file took longer to upload than that comment did to type. The file is 27 kb.

internet is so slow that the file took longer to upload than that comment did to type. The file is 27 kb.
MichaelYick added a new dependency 2021-06-15 23:33:29 +00:00
MichaelYick added 2 commits 2021-06-16 09:54:39 +00:00

I think we're at a point where this is ready to deploy

I think we're at a point where this is ready to deploy

also before we merge this, can you weigh in a bit on #27? It's about licensing and Snoot Game being on Steam. Just some legal shemuckary we need to get out of the way before merging this stuff in.

also before we merge this, can you weigh in a bit on #27? It's about licensing and Snoot Game being on Steam. Just some legal shemuckary we need to get out of the way before merging this stuff in.

@PrincipalSpears sent ;)

going to clone the target locally too in case git decides to fuck up

@PrincipalSpears sent ;) going to clone the target locally too in case git decides to fuck up

was able to lint and get everything on #23 squashed except game/script.rpy:11046 'dimstage' is not an image.

was able to lint and get everything on #23 squashed except `game/script.rpy:11046 'dimstage' is not an image.`

'game/script.rpy:11046 'dimstage' is not an image'
IIRC that has to do with the cablemanagement scene and I fixed that.

'game/script.rpy:11046 'dimstage' is not an image' IIRC that has to do with the cablemanagement scene and I fixed that.
MichaelYick changed title from WIP: Refactoring Code so its not one 28k line blob to WIP: Fixes #2 - Refactoring Code so its not one 28k line blob 2021-06-18 01:58:17 +00:00
coolestskinnieinthejungle added 4 commits 2021-06-18 02:45:27 +00:00
MichaelYick changed title from WIP: Fixes #2 - Refactoring Code so its not one 28k line blob to Fixes #2 - Refactoring Code so its not one 28k line blob 2021-06-18 05:21:20 +00:00

running through a bit, seems good to me. Code is much cleaner now. Although, can we rename either the label 'start' to 'storyline' or the file 'storyline.rpy' to 'start.rpy' as to make everything match up? Besides this, everything looks pretty clean. Anyone else wanna chime in on this or do some more extensive testing?

running through a bit, seems good to me. Code is much cleaner now. Although, can we rename either the label 'start' to 'storyline' or the file 'storyline.rpy' to 'start.rpy' as to make everything match up? Besides this, everything looks pretty clean. Anyone else wanna chime in on this or do some more extensive testing?

sure i can whip that up in the morning

sure i can whip that up in the morning

can we rename either the label 'start' to 'storyline' or the file 'storyline.rpy' to 'start.rpy' as to make everything match up?

so renpy expects a "start" label (found that out the hard way) so to avoid fucking with baseline renpy code i did this


label start:
    $ fangscore = 0
    $ anonscore = 0
    $ tradwife = False
    pause 1.0
    call storyline


label storyline:
    call chapter_1
    call chapter_2
    call chapter_3
    call ending

let me know if that works or if it's still retarded

> can we rename either the label 'start' to 'storyline' or the file 'storyline.rpy' to 'start.rpy' as to make everything match up? so renpy expects a "start" label (found that out the hard way) so to avoid fucking with baseline renpy code i did this `script.rpy` ```py label start: $ fangscore = 0 $ anonscore = 0 $ tradwife = False pause 1.0 call storyline ``` `storyline.rpy` ```py label storyline: call chapter_1 call chapter_2 call chapter_3 (...) call ending return ``` let me know if that works or if it's still retarded

Okay guys, im going ahead with the merge. Things seem to work as usual

what could possibly go wrong?

Okay guys, im going ahead with the merge. Things seem to work as usual what could possibly go wrong?
MichaelYick merged commit fbee733ff0 into Patchy-Patch5 2021-06-18 22:05:57 +00:00
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